Multichannel Campaign Management

I’m pleased to say Adobe was Gartner’s Choice for Indus­try Leader for Mul­ti­chan­nel Cam­paign Man­age­ment. The tim­ing of this recog­ni­tion from Gart­ner puts a spot­light on our upcom­ing Adobe Sum­mit EMEA Dig­i­tal Mar­ket­ing Con­fer­ence, April 29–30 2015, at the ICC ExCel in Lon­don in which we fea­ture sev­er­al ses­sions on mul­ti­chan­nel cam­paign man­age­ment and email mar­ket­ing host­ed by some of our val­ued cus­tomers. This is the sec­ond con­sec­u­tive year that Adobe has been recog­nised as a leader by Gart­ner in the Mag­ic Quad­rant for Mul­ti­chan­nel Cam­paign Man­age­ment (MCCM) report.

Ses­sion CE01 on April 29 fea­tures Adi­das, one of the glob­al lead­ers in sport­ing goods, talk­ing about how their con­sumer is at the heart of every­thing they do. To con­nect their con­sumers with their pas­sion, Adi­das chose Adobe Cam­paign to ensure a more per­son­alised expe­ri­ence across all cus­tomer touch points, build long-term rela­tion­ships and cre­ate mea­sure­able val­ue for the brand. This ses­sion will give you insight into how to make the tools work for you.

Ses­sion CE51 on April 29 will fea­ture senior rep­re­sen­ta­tives from Sono­va describ­ing how omni-chan­nel con­sumer engage­ment works for them in pro­mot­ing their brands and devel­op­ing their lead man­age­ment strat­e­gy using Adobe Expe­ri­ence Man­ag­er (AEM) and Adobe Cam­paign (ACM), our MCCM solu­tion as key com­po­nents for their glob­al rollout.

Gart­ner Adobe Snip­pets of Gold

From the Adobe press release on the Gart­ner report, Adobe Cam­paign enables mar­keters to orches­trate per­son­alised expe­ri­ences with lead­ing cam­paign, offer, per­son­al­i­sa­tion and data-man­age­ment capa­bil­i­ties. More than 98 per­cent of Adobe’s glob­al cus­tomers pow­er their email with Adobe Cam­paign includ­ing Time-Warn­er Cable, Sepho­ra, The Cos­mopoli­tan of Las Vegas, Renault, Mohe­gan Sun and oth­ers. Last year alone, Adobe Cam­paign sup­port­ed more than 60 bil­lion emails – the work­horse of cross-chan­nel cam­paigns – shown to return on aver­age $39 for every $1 invested[1].

Gart­ner states about com­pa­nies like Adobe, “Vision­ar­ies pro­vide a strong vision for the mul­ti­chan­nel cam­paign man­age­ment mar­ket, or excel in advanced or emerg­ing areas, such as mul­ti­di­men­sion­al seg­men­ta­tion, inbound mar­ket­ing, mobile mar­ket­ing, loy­al­ty mar­ket­ing e‑commerce and social marketing.”

Ker­ry Reil­ly, the Direc­tor of Prod­uct Mar­ket­ing for Adobe Cam­paign, just post­ed an arti­cle to the Adobe blog that demon­strates why Adobe has been recog­nised by Gart­ner two years run­ning. Our efforts to inte­grate with all the solu­tions in the Adobe Mar­ket­ing Cloud is the pow­er, val­ue, and strength behind Adobe Cam­paign. In her words, “Adobe prides itself in offer­ing a robust, cross-chan­nel cam­paign man­age­ment solu­tion. In fact, 84 per­cent of new cus­tomers use Adobe Cam­paign to exe­cute their cam­paigns across two or more chan­nels, 67 per­cent of our new cus­tomers use three or more chan­nels and 98 per­cent of our glob­al cus­tomers pow­er their email with Adobe Campaign.”

Join me at the EMEA Sum­mit and plan to attend our mul­ti­chan­nel cam­paign man­age­ment and email mar­ket­ing sessions

Cov­er Image: © Oez —