The Quest for Mobile Excellence
Earlier this year, the Adobe and Econsultancy Digital Trends 2015 report revealed that for over 6000 marketers worldwide mobile remains one of the top three single most exciting opportunities for marketers in 2015.
And just a couple of weeks ago, asked the third largest advertiser in the world, L’Oreal, what their view was on mobile. Vincent Stuhlen, Head Of Digital at L’Oreal Luxe Division answered simply: “the company shouldn’t have a mobile strategy because everything should be mobile.”
Given that this is clearly an area of great interest we decided to further investigate this and see what has changed compared to 2014 when we released the survey “Finding the Path to Mobile Maturity”, the predecessor to the survey we are releasing today. In March 2015, we surveyed marketing executives and digital professionals and we’ve asked them what are their key mobile priorities, challenges, and areas of investment that they will consider in 2015.
The results were astonishing. We had around 3,000 digital professionals participate. The significant growth in respondents from last year (up from 600) to this year is yet another indication that mobile is even further up the agenda for senior business leaders. I am delighted to say that we are now ready to share with you this highly anticipated report “The Quest for Mobile Excellence.“
This report gives insight into:
how companies are rising to the mobile challenge, how mobile investment and experimentation will look like in 2015 and beyond, and to what extent are companies planning for a mobile–first focus and for centers of mobile excellence.
Reading through this year’s report it starts with all the important insights at a glance, then allowing you to go in depth into the various topics. The progression of topics covered demonstrates that more emphasis is being given to the mobile challenge by most companies. Yet, we are still battling the desktop biases that still pervade the traditional marketing community. Yes, change is difficult but necessary. The customer demands it. In that vein, we demonstrate the consistent rise in investment and experimentation, all needed precursors to instituting change. The business case is evident.
The remainder of the survey provides insights into what must be done to push mobile engagement to the level that we seen L’Oreal characterize so simply … everything should already be mobile. Mobile efforts must be measured for their effects on traffic, lead generation, conversions and ROI. Mobile apps must be developed, tested and measured that give the customer immediate and easy access to brand content and ecommerce sites.
It is clear to Adobe that ownership of mobile in a multichannel world isn’t an option. It’s a matter of survival for any brand in an ever-increasing competitive environment.
The bottom line for any marketing organisation is that the more you know, the better you can connect. This survey delivers actionable knowledge beyond your comprehension today. Read the survey, learn, apply, and be enlightened.