Photoshop’s 25 Under 25 Starts with a Bang with 8 Global Phenoms
In honor of Photoshop’s 25th Anniversary, we’ve been searching far and wide for 25 of the best visual artists under the age of 25. Four months into this celebratory year, we’ve already spotlighted eight brilliant young artists, each representing the future of digital artistry and the power of Photoshop as seen around the world. I hope you’ve all been following along as we share the art that celebrates our 25th year, but also the unique stories behind these artists, who range in age from 16 to 24 years old.
Scroll down to see what our first 8 young artists created for Photoshop’s 25th anniversary and to get a sense of their unique backgrounds and global personalities. For the latest updates and to see who’s next, follow us on Instagram at @Photoshop.
Fredy Santiago (Sugar Coated)
Ventura, CA, USA; 23 Years Old
As the first artist in our 25 Under 25, Fredy was under a lot of pressure to kick it off in a bold way (and he didn’t disappoint). “I enjoy the attempt to embrace the unknown, and celebrate the transition of youth through adulthood in my work. “ – See how Fredy’s work keeps evolving on Sugar Coated’s Behance.
Tom Anders Watkins
Lincoln, UK; 20 Years Old
Tom’s a university student, living in the UK but interning in Paris this summer because of his awesome design work. “I believe in the expression, ‘Never stand still.’ My mum always thought there was something wrong with me. I couldn’t sit still as a child. I can’t now either.” Take it all in and find Tom on Behance.
Shaivalini Kumar
Delhi, India; 23 Years Old
Shaivalini has bold dreams for the future and a desire to shape the world of design in her home country. “Design in India has been growing and my goal is to be able to contribute to the process that accelerates that growth.” Have a look at what she’s done so far and follow Shaivalini on Behance.
Bram Vanhaeren
Antwerp, Beligum; 24 Years Old
Bram’s got a superhero quality to him, leading a double life between his day job and his personal projects. He believes all people have the ability to take what they learn to the next level. “Give us the skills, teach us how to use programs, but everything else, what we do or why we do it, save that for the students and let us explore and grow. We will fail over and over again, but at least we learn and get to know ourselves.” Find Bram on Behance to follow his creative journey.
David Uzochukwu
Brussels, Beligum; 16 Years Old
At just 16 years old, David’s style is still evolving. “I’m young, and I allow myself to dream.” See what David creates from those dreams on his Behance.
Evan Raditya Pratomo (Papercaptain)
Surabaya, Indonesia; 24 Years Old
The optimism in Evan’s personality shines through in everything he does, even his take on having a defined design style. “Style is a way for people to easily categorize art, but it doesn’t have to define or limit you. When I see something really cool, I will say, Whoa! That’s wonderful, I have no idea how she/he created it. Can I make something like that?” Get to know Evan more on Behance.
Peter Tarka (Folio Art)
Warsaw, Poland; 23 Years Old
Peter Tarka (of Folio Art) understands that his style is always changing, and what makes him unique now might be different in the future. “I don’t think that I’m a unique artist; I’m still exploring different styles and want to find the one that represents my personality in the best way. Graphic design is a never ending journey for me – and that’s the thing that I love most about this industry.” More from Peter on Behance.
Zev Hoover
Massachusetts, USA; 16 Years Old
Young Zev Hoover’s personality plays out in each of his miniature self-portraits, a concept he calls Little Folk. “My conceptual self portraits exude a feeling of loneliness, the feeling I imagine a tiny human would have in a giant world. This feeling isn’t meant to be sad; it’s one of contemplation.”
Think you could be the next artist? Submit your work on social using the hashtag #Ps25Under25 or tag your work on Behance with Ps25Under25. We’re always looking through submissions and we’ll definitely reach out if we think you’ve got what it takes.
Don’t forget to follow along on Instagram, where we’ll be announcing the next artist in our 25 Under 25: http://instagram/photoshop