How to personalize end-user content with RoboHelp 2015
In one of our first post-product launch webinars, product evangelist, Maxwell Hoffmann, shared new RoboHelp 2015 features that empower you to personalize your content.
RoboHelp 2015 Release empowers you to publish just ONE HTML5 layout that can reach the unique needs of multiple audiences via personalized “check box” filters.
- Discover how improved conditional build tags CBTs may be used to create various choice categories that users can choose from in final output.
- See the all new HTML5 layout that optional Filter display with a simple “check box” format.
- Also discover how customer filtered output will create a unique URL that is ideal for CSH context-sensitive help.
- New functionality allows you to “show” or preview your content with CBT tags showing in your temporary output; a great way to QA if the correct tags are applied
- Get your first look at the newly improved and expanded layout editor for HTML5
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Use RoboHelp 2015 to personalize the content for your end users
The following minute markers will help you locate the portion of the recording that is of highest relevance or interest to your needs:
Summary of new RoboHelp 2015
How HTML5 layout has changed with new release
Preview of new icon-driven layout editor, and widget choices
More choices in HTML5 Layout Editor
NEW RTL (Arabic/Hebrew) support in RoboHelp output
Illustration of user choices in dynamic filters based on CBTs
Major improvements to UI for CBTs (Condition Built Tags)
Preview of how you can SHOW TAGS in our output
How marked conditional text (CBT) will map to filters
NEW: HTML5 TOC will allow multiple topics to stay expanded
Demo of output after several custom changes to layout editor
Adding a conditional topic … viewing topics in project manager that can show/hide in output
DEMO working with CBT combinations for different languages and different Operating Systems … so that HTML5 output with filters allow multiple changes
Viewing output with CBT TAGS visible … good for QA testing so that you can “at a glance” spot if some content has been tagged wrong before publishing to your customers.
DEMO of RTL/Arabic project output to HTML5 …NEW, social widgets for TWITTER and FACEBOOK are available