FrameMaker 2015 Product Features That Can Accelerate Your Career

Our head of product marketing, Kapil Verma, delivered an incisive presentation into how FrameMaker 2015 can support your evolving role as a content professional.

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How FrameMaker 2015 can support your changing role as a content professional

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Cause of shifts in content professional’s role


Chart illustrating survey results for adoption growth of structured authoring


Current XML Authoring models are too complex for casual users: challenge of getting SMEs on board


Snapshot Preview of the new Simplified Authoring model in FrameMaker 2015 “Author Mode” … no codes and users can insert content into fields


Live Demo of using the new “forms” user interface and simply using toolbars with icons to insert common elements. FrameMaker will prompt you to move element to next valid location if you have an inappropriate insertion point


Smart Copy & Paste, which inserts copied unstructured content into DITA as valid XML code


New MiniTOC, improved Conditional Text and major enhancements to Tables


Live Demo of how Conditional Text has improved, in display and easy management


Live Demo of how the new table shading in FrameMaker 2015 compares to tables in older versions. Now enables 100 shades of a color in a solid fill!


Live Demo of the new MiniTOC feature.


How collaboration with SMEs has become more critical


Live Demo of the major improvements to import Microsoft Word documents, with easy, custom style mapping


DEMO: many-layered PDF Review: now you may make edits to Source FrameMaker file while annotations are being made to PDF-Review document


Statistics from recent research on who is using mobile apps and how this is relevant to content creators


Creating mobile apps and HTML5 layout


iTools used to simulate what live-published mobile output will look like on a tablet


Personalized Dynamic Content delivery controlled by user choiceWorking with filters based on conditional tags in FrameMaker


Live Demo of the new bi-directional font engine with support for RTL-language support for Arabic and HebrewMixed content possible (LTR/RTL) with bi-directional text flows