Adobe Digital Roadblock Report 2015 — Germany

The speed at which mar­ket­ing is chang­ing and thus dri­ving dig­i­tal trans­for­ma­tion in com­pa­nies is tru­ly immense. Today com­pa­nies are more and more oblig­ed to tack­le dig­i­tal trans­for­ma­tion, if they want to be still suc­cess­ful in the future. Something we have known from work­ing day-today with our cus­tomers, and now con­firmed in the **Adobe Dig­i­tal Road­block Report 2015: Ger­man mar­keters are right on track. **Through­out Europe they have already laid best the foun­da­tions for a dig­i­tal future.

Check out below the com­plete Adobe Dig­i­tal Road­block Report 2015 and let us con­tin­ue to remain in tight exchange about dig­i­tal transformation.

Front cover

Adobe Digital Roadblock Report 2015


Read the EMEA Adobe Dig­i­tal Road­block report here.

Ger­man mar­keters see the indus­try chang­ing rapid­ly; they’re opti­mistic and see it as an opportunity

Though tech­no­log­i­cal advance­ments are seen as nec­es­sary, Ger­man Mar­keters pri­or­i­tize privacy

As IoT enables mar­ket­ing to per­me­ate con­sumers’ lives, mar­keters are look­ing to adapt to new tech­nol­o­gy to stay rel­e­vant for consumers

As the mar­ket­ing func­tion increas­es in influ­ence and new tech­nol­o­gy dri­ves changes, Ger­man mar­keters see a shift in priorities

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Most agree the pace of change in mar­ket­ing is accel­er­at­ing, but they are divid­ed on how that change is happening

Slide 7 Chart; The Pace of Change in Marketing

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… with almost 7 in 10 feel­ing chal­lenged and opti­mistic about indus­try changes

Slide 9 Chart; Top Descriptions Around Industry Changes

New tech­nolo­gies are a dri­ving force behind indus­try change in Germany

Slide 10 Chart; Forces of Change

…And impact per­son­al approach­es to marketing

Slide 11 Chart; Changes in Personal Approaches

The advance­ments in tech, mobile and social under­score the impor­tance of change and adaption

Slide 12 Chart; Attitudes on Marketers

Tech advance­ments also dri­ve the change in con­sumers’ expec­ta­tions as the need for more com­pelling con­tent grows

Slide 13 Chart; Changes in Consumer Expectations

As such, new tech­nolo­gies are key to success

Slide 14 Chart; Attitudes on Marketing

The mar­ket­ing func­tion has increased in influ­ence in the past five years

Slide 15 Chart; Influence on Marketing

Influ­ence on cor­po­rate strat­e­gy remains strong, with a quar­ter say­ing mar­ket­ing con­tributes most to future revenue

Slide 16 Charts; Marketing Influence on Strategy + Largest Contributor to Business Revenue

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Ger­man mar­keters are more wor­ries about their company’s abil­i­ty to keep up than their own

Slide 18 Chart; You and Your Company's Ability to Keep up with Changes in Marketing

Mar­keters strug­gle with a mul­ti­tude of trends and tech­nolo­gies with big data being most challenging

Slide 19 Chart; Challenging Trends and Technologies

Unsur­pris­ing­ly then, 1 in 3 cite short­ages in tech and data relat­ed roles

Slide 20 Chart; Representation of Roles

A suc­cess­ful mar­keter is seen as tech savvy, but only a third of mar­keters describe them­selves in such terms

Slide 21 Chart; Perceptions of Ideal Marketers vs Self

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53% of EMEA says it’s impor­tant to deliv­er a con­sis­tent cus­tomer expe­ri­ence on wear­ables how­ev­er only 9% are cur­rent­ly solv­ing for it

There is a dis­con­nect between impor­tance and deliv­ery in cross-plat­form consistency

slide 23 Chart; Importance vs Use of Devices

7 in 10 see deliv­ery of con­sis­tent cus­tomer expe­ri­ence on wear­ables to be impor­tant in 3 years

Slide 24 Chart; Future Importance in Customer Experience Delivery Across Devices

The need to adapt is imme­di­ate: IOT and native adver­tis­ing are pro­ject­ed to be more impor­tant in 3 years

Slide 25 Chart; Future Marketing Tactics

Areas iden­ti­fied as most crit­i­cal in the years to come are the areas where per­for­mance is lowest

Slide 26 Chart; Company Performance

Lack of resources and com­pa­ny resis­tance are the key bar­ri­ers hold­ing mar­keters back

Slide 27 Chart; Barriers to Success

Changes are seen as an oppor­tu­ni­ty and the begin­ning of a gold­en age of marketing…

Slide 29 Chart; Feellings Towards Changes in the Marketing Industry

Ger­man mar­keters feel they have the skills need­ed and are pre­pared to imple­ment new technologies

Slide 30 Chart; Self Assessment

49% claim to have heard about a new mar­ket­ing chan­nel or term with­in the past month

Slide 31 Chart; Familiarity with New Marketing Terms

Ger­man mar­keters see their com­pa­ny struc­tures as well set up to meet mar­ket­ing changes

Slide 32 Chart; How well is comapany's structure set up

For new tech­nolo­gies, mar­keters’ con­fi­dence in pre­pared­ness to deliv­er falls below actu­al delivery

Slide 33 Chart; Performance vs Confidence in Devices

Tra­di­tion­al mar­ket­ing is where mar­keters feel per­for­mance is strongest

Slide 34 Chart; Company Performance

80% of Ger­man mar­keters feel they have the nec­es­sary skills to per­form successfully

Slide 35 Chart; Do you have skills to perform your job

Still, they real­ize the need for skill devel­op­ment – 46% plan to learn from attend­ing train­ing seminars

Slide 36 Chart; Skills Training

Com­mu­ni­ca­tion across chan­nels and with cus­tomers rise to the top as key for effectiveness

Slide 37 Chart; Future Determinants of Marketing Effectiveness

More than 2 in 5 believe that part­ner­ships with sales are crit­i­cal in mak­ing dig­i­tal mar­ket­ing work…

Slide 38 Chart; Most Critical Partners in Digital Marketing

…And inte­gra­tion across busi­ness func­tions can be improved

Slide 39 Chart; Dynamic between Marketing and Other Departments


Slide 2 Methodology

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