Adobe Digital Roadblock Report 2015 — Infographic

Fol­low­ing on from Mark Zablan’s blog post the Adobe Dig­i­tal Road­block Report 2015. The team has put togeth­er an info­graphic to sum­marise some of the key high­lights of the report relat­ing to Dig­i­tal Trans­for­ma­tion, the cen­tral theme of this year’s Adobe Sum­mit. But of course it’s still worth read­ing the report. You can read the Adobe Dig­i­tal Road­block Report 2015 here.

If you haven’t read the report, Adobe Dig­i­tal Road­block Report 2015, pro­duced with the sup­port of Edel­man Berland, it exam­ines the key top­ics fac­ing Mar­keters in 2015. In the report, we sur­veyed 1,311 mar­keters across the UK, Ger­many and France.