Totally new XML Authoring User Interface with FrameMaker 2015

One of the hallmarks of NEW FrameMaker 2015, is its radically NEW method of authoring XML with a “simple” user interface. We mean “simple” as in no codes nor element tags.

01 illo of XML new FrameMaker has had a handy “authoring” mode for quite some time, that takes the user away from the traditional FrameMaker “page view” during authoring. Now, you have the option to turn on a “forms-based” user interface for common DITA document types.

Product evangelist, Maxwell Hoffmann, walks you through this easy workflow in a dynamic webinar that you can view by clicking on the following TITLE:

NEW way to do Simplified XML authoring in FrameMaker 2015

Note: you will need to click on [REGISTER] to obtain access to the recording. You will receive a confirmation webpage that has a link with webinar name. Click on that and you will see title and description, and the [REGISTER] button will have changed to [VIEW NOW].

The following minute markers will help you locate the portion of the recording that is of highest relevance or interest to your needs:


Review over the “old” model for XML Authoring


Conceptual model of NEW visual model for XML Authoring in FrameMaker 2015, without coding


Difference between “free form” and “guided” simple authoring


features of SIMPLE XML AUTHOR, e.g. QET icons will intelligently display what is legal


Close-up examination of new QET (Quick Element Toobar)


Summary of Simplified XML Author Enhancements


Who benefits from Simplified XML Authoring


Benefits for SMEs and Casual Authors


Benefits for technical writer


What simplified XML Author mode is NOT meant for- not substitute for Word - not for free-flow documents - you are limited to most common XML or DITA constructs - you cannot populate attributes or meta-data




Review of the “old” AUTHOR MODE


How to specify the NEW Simplified XML user interface


Looking at NEW UI for Simple Author Mode- fewer icons to chose from - QET will behave differently


example of element [short desc] that limits you to one instance [p]


example of trying to create element in an illegal location … prompted to put it in the correct location


How to use TAB and SHIFT/TAB to created “nested list”, without clicking on an incon


Creating a Table in Author mode- note that table has no idea how wide the page is … will need to reduce columns - inserting an IMAGE w/in table cell is one step process with QET


example of attempt to create [Section] within table cell … FrameMaker prompts me to click [Yes] to insert section in the next legal location … “fool proof” authoring


OPTIONAL: how your designer can modify topic_config.ini to have different labels and different colors in your custom Author experience- be sure to make backup of files first


QUESTIONS AND ANSWER- everything shown is NO EXTRA COST - everything in demo can be done in FRAMEMAKER XML AUTHOR, except for customizing the UI