After Effects CC 2015 (13.5.1) bug-fix update available: many fixes to previews and more

The After Effects CC 2015 (13.5.1) bug-fix update is now available. This bug-fix update also includes a few small behavior changes.

You can install the update through the Creative Cloud desktop application, or you can check for new updates from within any Adobe application by choosing Help > Updates.

For details of what was added, changed, and fixed in After Effects CC 2015 (13.5), see this page. For details of all of the other updates for Adobe professional video and audio applications, see this page.

Please, if you want to ask questions about this update, come on over to the After Effects user-to-user forum, rather than leaving comments on this blog post. (It’s much harder to have conversations in the comments of a blog post.) If you’d like to submit feature requests or bug reports, you can do so here.

The After Effects team is continuing to investigate other bugs for future updates. Please refer to this article for current information about known issues.

bug fixes in After Effects CC 2015 (13.5.1)

The After Effects CC 2015 (13.5.1) bug-fix update addresses these significant bugs and usability problems:

In addition to the above, a number of other bugs have been fixed:

Mute Audio When Preview Is Not Real-Time now disabled by default

The Mute Audio When Preview Is Not Real-Time option in Preferences > Previews is now disabled by default. The intent of this preference is to avoid playing stuttered audio in known cases when the preview frame rate will not be real-time, for example during the first pass of a preview while frames are rendered and cached. But because several bugs remain present After Effects CC 2015 that cause the preview frame rate to slow down during user interaction, even when the preview is playing back cached frames, we decided that hearing some audio is better than the audio dropping out. We will continue work on these bugs for a future update.

Synthetic Aperture Color Finesse 3.0.12 plug-in

After Effects CC 2015 (13.5.1) includes an update for the Color Finesse plug-in from Synthetic Aperture. Color Finesse 3.0.12 fixes one bug: on Mac OS X, presets are now loaded from the proper (2015) folder.