EMEA Optimisation Webinar Series

This year we’ve start­ed run­ning a series of webi­na­rs focused on dig­i­tal opti­mi­sa­tion, and I’ve decid­ed to use the Dig­i­tal Europe blog as a home for the record­ings of these ses­sions. Each time we host a new one I’ll add a descrip­tion of the webi­nar and a link to the record­ing here. If you’d like to see us cov­er a spe­cif­ic top­ic, please let us know in the com­ments at the bottom.

Novem­ber: Per­son­al­i­sa­tion & prof­itabil­i­ty: Com­bin­ing data and audi­ences for optimisation

In this webi­nar, we covered:

Link to record­ing: http://seminars.adobeconnect.com/p9aam2yz1rf/

Octo­ber: Opti­mi­sa­tion: Don’t for­get the peo­ple & process!

In this webi­nar, we covered:

Link to record­ing: http://seminars.adobeconnect.com/p3c7026fr2u/

Sep­tem­ber: Max­imis­ing the val­ue of your customers

In this webi­nar, we covered:

Link to record­ing: http://seminars.adobeconnect.com/p9tfow0zg3j/

July: Deliv­er­ing on the Promise of the Opti­mi­sa­tion Organisation

In this ses­sion, we covered:
— Test­ing method­olo­gies that you can adopt to dri­ve iter­a­tive and sus­tained val­ue from your opti­mi­sa­tion efforts
— Ways to get buy-in from the rest of the organ­i­sa­tion for your pro­gram and how to build a busi­ness case for optimisation
— The roles, struc­tures and val­ue net­works that you can lever­age to organ­ise for success
— An explo­ration of how one organ­i­sa­tion is matur­ing into a data informed organ­i­sa­tion and the ben­e­fits that they have seen

Link to record­ing: http://seminars.adobeconnect.com/p7xdky50c0w/

July: Clos­ing the gap: Why it’s time for retail­ers to rethink personalisation

In this ses­sion, we covered:
— The results of the Adobe Retail Per­son­al­iza­tion Study, Sep­tem­ber 2014
— Using Adobe Tar­get to opti­mise the cus­tomer experience
— Dri­ving rel­e­vance with auto­mat­ed Recommendations

Link to record­ing: http://seminars.adobeconnect.com/p515v1ygj2q/

April: Mas­ter­ing Mobile Ana­lyt­ics: From foun­da­tion to optimisation

In this ses­sion, we covered:
— A mobile app ana­lyt­ics frame­work to under­stand app per­for­mance and engagement
— Essen­tial mea­sure­ment capa­bil­i­ties such as life­cy­cle met­rics, cohort analy­sis, and points of interest
— How to start opti­mis­ing the app expe­ri­ence for your cus­tomers using data and testing

Link to record­ing: http://seminars.adobeconnect.com/p4k5bpg332i/

March: Mobile trends & opti­mi­sa­tion tac­tics: Make your mobile mar­ket­ing matter

In this ses­sion, we covered:
— Mobile trends, indus­try research, and new mar­ket­ing opportunities
— Best prac­tices in mobile opti­miza­tion and conversion
— How to tar­get your “mobile elite” cus­tomers and boost ROI

Link to record­ing: http://seminars.adobeconnect.com/p9p6izw0wbh/