Customer Experience (CX)

Econ­sul­tan­cy, in asso­ci­a­tion with Adobe, pub­lished the Dig­i­tal Trends 2015 Quar­ter­ly Dig­i­tal Intel­li­gence Brief­ing which called out cus­tomer expe­ri­ence (CX) as the stand­out imper­a­tive for 2015 and “increas­ing­ly tak­ing cen­ter stage as more com­pa­nies real­ize that this is cru­cial not just for dif­fer­en­ti­a­tion against com­peti­tors, but increas­ing­ly for sur­vival in an unfor­giv­ing busi­ness world.”

More recent­ly, pub­lished exclu­sive con­tent from sev­er­al influ­en­tial Euro­pean dig­i­tal mar­ket­ing lead­ers on the impact of cus­tomer expe­ri­ence in their mar­ket­ing efforts. Simon Gill, Chief Cre­ative Offi­cer at UK Dig­i­tasLBi, and Simon Michaelides, Mar­ket­ing Direc­tor at UKTV, dis­cussed the role of cre­ative design in the CX process. It was a pow­er­ful one-two punch high­light­ing inter­nal organ­i­sa­tional trans­for­ma­tions that must take place to make cre­ative “design think­ing” an inte­gral part of a suc­cess­ful cus­tomer expe­ri­ence. Jere­my Coren­bloom, Mar­ket­ing Direc­tor of Match​.com for the UK and Ire­land, Katz Kiely, Direc­tor of Strat­egy Con­sult­ing for Cog­nifide, and Shane Mur­phy, Mar­ket­ing Direc­tor EMEA for Adroll con­tributed valu­able insights into offline CX inte­gra­tion with online efforts as well as the need for inter­nal cor­po­rate align­ment and inno­va­tion in the approach to CX. Mar­keters must mas­ter the “out­side-in challenge”of design­ing strate­gies from the cus­tomer per­spec­tive rather than from the prod­uct point of view.

We have teamed up with Econ­sul­tan­cy once more to inves­ti­gate how the B2B and B2C com­mu­ni­ty can bet­ter under­stand the “out­side in chal­lenge” in the remain­der of 2015 and beyond.

The sur­vey we would like you to com­plete is designed to be com­pre­hen­sive but easy to com­plete in only 5–10 min­utes. The ques­tions focus around the role of cre­ative design in the cus­tomer expe­ri­ence, the bur­geon­ing role of mobile and the explod­ing world of wear­ables from an Apple Watch or Fit­bit to visors and oth­er view­ing devices that enable the vir­tu­al and aug­ment­ed real­i­ty experience.

Cre­ative design and “design think­ing” in build­ing our mar­ket­ing mes­sages and sto­ry­telling in our blogs and web con­tent must be includ­ed in the main­stream of strat­e­gy devel­op­ment. A well designed piece of inter­ac­tive media can enter­tain while deliv­er­ing crit­i­cal infor­ma­tion about your prod­ucts and ser­vices. Is your mobile strat­e­gy designed to help you con­nect bet­ter with the cus­tomer or is it tech­no­log­i­cal­ly imma­ture? These are all crit­i­cal ques­tions that we, as Mar­keters, need to think about.

Take this short sur­vey, and in return, we will give you a com­pli­men­ta­ry copy of the result­ing research upon pub­li­ca­tion (worth £450/€550) includ­ing full access to bench­mark­ing data. All answers are strict­ly con­fi­den­tial. You can find the sur­vey here.

The sur­vey will close on 4 Sep­tem­ber 2015.