Digital Marketing Symposium: The Need for Marketing Reimagination

Our sec­ond annu­al Dig­i­tal Mar­ket­ing Sym­po­sium in Lon­don brings togeth­er some of the most evo­lu­tion­ary minds in mar­ket­ing to share insight on how their brands are reimag­in­ing their mar­ket­ing strate­gies to evolve with the dig­i­tal age.

The way in which mar­keters reach their cus­tomers has under­gone a mon­u­men­tal change in recent years. Mar­ket­ing bud­gets have shift­ed from print to dig­i­tal, social media plat­forms have brought with them a whole new mar­ket­place, and the rise of mobile phones, tablets and wear­able devices means there are now more cus­tomer touch­points than ever before. Mar­ket­ing is being reimag­ined, and in a major way.

To bet­ter under­stand this chang­ing mar­ket­ing land­scape, we com­mis­sioned a piece of research which delved into the online pur­chas­ing deci­sions of over 2,000 con­sumers. We dis­cov­ered that the tra­di­tion­al four Ps of mar­ket­ing (Price, Place, Prod­uct and Pro­mo­tion) have been rad­i­cal­ly over­turned, with the study reveal­ing that in the dig­i­tal age, it is in fact ‘Price’ (32%), ‘Prod­uct’ (17%), ‘Online Reviews’ (15%) and ‘Offers’ (10%) that are deemed the top online pur­chas­ing influences.

Mar­keters can thank the pro­lif­er­a­tion of chan­nels for this, as online shop­pers can increas­ing­ly make pur­chas­es when­ev­er they want, and from wher­ev­er they choose. This abil­i­ty to get the best offers, prod­ucts and price, at a time and place that suits them — com­bined with easy access to online com­mu­ni­ties and reviews — means con­sumers are get­ting savvi­er. For online brands, this sub­tle pow­er shift towards the cus­tomer means that pro­vid­ing the best expe­ri­ence pos­si­ble should always be the pri­or­i­ty. A com­pet­ing brand is just one click away.

At this year’s Dig­i­tal Mar­ket­ing Sym­po­sium, we’re hear­ing about what mar­ket­ing reimag­i­na­tion means to brands, includ­ing RBS talk­ing about how a ‘test and learn’ cul­ture helped them to dra­mat­i­cal­ly increase the vol­ume and val­ue of opti­mi­sa­tion of the dig­i­tal expe­ri­ence. Pen­guin Ran­dom House also share how they became a more dig­i­tal busi­ness by effect­ing change through mul­ti­ple lay­ers of the organ­i­sa­tion. This includ­ed work­ing with Cog­nifide to build and migrate key web­site prop­er­ties of their most valu­able brands. We con­sid­er our­selves to be pret­ty evo­lu­tion­ary here at Adobe, so we’re touch­ing upon our own dig­i­tal trans­for­ma­tion too.

To demon­strate how intel­li­gent process­es and real-time data can cre­ate an expe­ri­ence that is per­son­alised to each and every cus­tomer, we have Razor­fish on hand to demo Razor­Shop, a con­nect­ed retail expe­ri­ence made up of mobile devices, inter­ac­tive in-store screens and prod­uct RFID tag­ging. Plus we’re demon­strat­ing the lat­est in our own touch-screen, inter­ac­tive technology.

The mar­ket­ing land­scape is cer­tain­ly in a peri­od of tran­si­tion, with tra­di­tion­al meth­ods of build­ing brand loy­al­ty fast becom­ing obso­lete and new chan­nels and tech­niques tak­ing their place. Many brands have respond­ed by trans­form­ing their mar­ket­ing and suc­cess­ful­ly devel­op­ing a sin­gle view of the cus­tomer – some of whom are join­ing us today.

If you can’t be with us to hear from them in per­son, you don’t have to miss out — fol­low the con­ver­sa­tion from 13:00 BST at #AdobeSymp and watch on the live stream here.

About the research: All fig­ures, unless oth­er­wise stat­ed, are from YouGov Plc. Total sam­ple size was 2068 adults. Field­work was under­tak­en between 15th — 16th Sep­tem­ber 2015. The sur­vey was car­ried out online. The fig­ures have been weight­ed and are rep­re­sen­ta­tive of all GB adults (aged 18+).