In The Know with AMO Social Ads

Just under a year ago, I spoke at the 2014 Fes­ti­val of Mar­ket­ing on Social Mar­ket­ing trends for 2015. One of those pre­dic­tions – the decrease in organ­ic reach and increas­ing empha­sis on paid adver­tis­ing by Social plat­forms – has come to fruition with a vengeance. Face­book®, them­selves, have clear­ly con­firmed the impor­tance of paid Social engage­ments, and recent analy­sis has con­firmed the decline in organ­ic reach.

So a quick check-in – what actions have you been tak­ing to ramp up your Paid Social activ­i­ty and how have you been man­ag­ing it?

If you’re strug­gling with spend­ing effi­cient­ly and max­imis­ing returns, or jug­gling work­flows, here’s a quick look at how Adobe Media Opti­miz­er can help.

1. Our Social ads workflow is intuitive & easy to use

Set­ting up your Social ads cam­paign should be quick and easy. You’ve got big­ger, more strate­gic fish to fry. Adobe Media Opti­miz­er has a four-step work­flow that deliv­ers a sol­id account struc­ture while let­ting you get back in the busi­ness kitchen faster than ever:

A – Set up your cam­paign structure

B – Cre­ate or assign your audience

C – Pop in your images and copy

D – Set your budgets

That’s it! Now you’ve got a gran­u­lar account struc­ture that enables you to hit the mes­sag­ing nail on the head with each of your audi­ence seg­ments and dri­ve sol­id Social ad results.

2. Audiences can be saved & reused for other Facebook campaigns

Although we’re always look­ing for new cus­tomers, new peo­ple out there to engage with and bring into our brand’s fold, we’ve also got our go-to audi­ences. Your loy­al cus­tomers, your reg­u­lar seg­ments, your core mes­sag­ing. And it’s a waste of your time to have to recre­ate these audi­ences each time you want to cre­ate a cam­paign to tar­get them.

With Adobe Media Opti­miz­er, you can either cre­ate an audi­ence in the Social ads work­flow (as above) and save it for future use, or just cre­ate a tem­plate on its own, ready to be pulled in the next time you’re churn­ing out some paid content.

This helps you shave a bit more time off your account devel­op­ment, as well as reduce some of the tedious­ness of Social ad man­age­ment tasks.

3. Keeping your Facebook creatives fresh is a breeze with AMO’s find/replace

Fresh cre­ative is key to main­tain­ing engage­ment and per­for­mance with strong Click Thru Rates on Face­book, but man­ag­ing fre­quent swaps can be cum­ber­some. That’s why Adobe Media Opti­miz­er has an intu­itive find/replace func­tion­al­i­ty to help you quick­ly pluck out which images need to be retired – whether they’re all the same or not – and pop in your slick new visu­al. Sim­ply tick what’s com­ing out and what’s going in, save, and you’re good to go.

This means you’ll save time doing what needs to be done to max­imise per­for­mance for your Face­book ads. Dou­ble win.

4. Our live/staged environments make it crystal clear what you’ve got posting/scheduled & what’s showing in Facebook now

Whether you’re fly­ing solo or a pow­er team, it’s crit­i­cal to be clear on what’s live, what’s going to be live, and what’s still requir­ing approval. It’s too easy for things to fall through the cracks with fil­ters, so Adobe Media Opti­miz­er pro­vides you with a sim­ple slid­er to clear­ly swap between what’s live and what’s not.

No con­fu­sion, no con­cern, just the facts that put you square­ly in con­trol of your Social ads activity.

5. You can optimise your CPM & campaign budgets leveraging Facebook’s oCPM with AMO’s algorithmic bidding

The virtues of Facebook’s oCPM are well-known, help­ing deliv­er strong per­for­mance set­ting bids at the most gran­u­lar lev­el. But what about your cam­paign bud­gets? How can you opti­mise those so they’re not only effi­cient and effec­tive, but also scal­able – espe­cial­ly when you’re deal­ing with larg­er Social ad spend? This is where Adobe Media Opti­miz­er gives you the best of both worlds – lever­age the algo­rithms we’ve been per­fect­ing for over a decade tai­lored for Social to make algo­rith­mic assess­ments and auto­mat­ic trade-offs at the cam­paign bud­get lev­el. Cross that with Facebook’s oCPM at the indi­vid­ual ad lev­el, and you’ve got a recipe for success.

The ben­e­fits are automa­tion, scale, and uplift in two clicks.

6. Put some money behind your organic activity

Organ­ic Social isn’t entire­ly dead, and when that con­tent is show­ing very strong per­for­mance, you may want to pro­mote that post. In Adobe Media Opti­miz­er, you can set per­for­mance thresh­olds on your organ­ic activ­i­ty. When a post is per­form­ing at a lev­el you’ve deemed valu­able, you’ll auto­mat­i­cal­ly get an email to noti­fy you, so you can quick­ly boost the post if you choose.

Organ­ic to paid – straight­for­ward and simple.

7. Full support for Instagram ads

Adobe is now one of the select Face­book® Mar­ket­ing Part­ners to inte­grate with the Insta­gram Ads API via Adobe Media Opti­miz­er. We sup­port all Insta­gram objec­tives that are avail­able today. These include web­site clicks, mobile app installs, and video views, ensur­ing Adver­tis­ers can cap­ture the atten­tion of audi­ences through­out the full funnel.

For ease of use, we’ve incor­po­rat­ed Insta­gram right into the Media Opti­miz­er social ads work­flow out­lined above. All you have to do is select the Insta­gram place­ment and desired ad for­mat, and you’re good to go! Time, scale, and fresh­ly opened adver­tis­ing audi­ences? #Smashed­It

So if you’re a Paid Search pro and are look­ing for a bet­ter way to scale your business’s Social ads, take a look at Adobe Media Opti­miz­er Social.