Highlights – The Continuing Evolution of Marketing

Last week’s exclu­sive engage­ments on were focused on the adap­ta­tions both organ­i­sa­tions and con­sumers often must adopt as the world and mar­ket­ing con­di­tions con­tin­ue to evolve. Adjust­ments may include chang­ing strate­gies when the cur­rent approach has been dis­cov­ered to harm more than hurt, as you’ll see at both the begin­ning and end­ing dis­cus­sions from last week. Some­times a com­pa­ny needs to adapt its approach to stay rel­e­vant, and oth­er times a com­pa­ny needs to learn from oth­ers mar­keters whose strate­gies are work­ing well. Mar­keters also encour­age con­sumer adap­ta­tion when it serves both the con­sumer and the organ­i­sa­tion better.

Dan Brotzel, Con­tent Direc­tor at Sticky Con­tent, began the week by invit­ing senior man­agers and mar­keters to con­sid­er the ways in which they may be poten­tial­ly harm­ing their organisation’s con­tent mar­ket­ing strate­gies. In a new sur­vey designed to explore the UK’s con­tent cul­ture, it was revealed that senior man­age­ment often has an adverse impact on con­tent qual­i­ty. Brotzel chal­lenges mar­keters to give more clear guide­lines of exact­ly what their senior man­agers are being asked to sign off on. Clear guide­lines can go a long way in get­ting con­tent to go live in a quick­er manner.

Last week’s inter­view was with Pete Markey, CMO at Post Office. Markey shared the chal­lenges that Post Office faces in being seen as rel­e­vant in today’s econ­o­my. He real­izes that many peo­ple see Post Office as a busi­ness that offers a lot of great ser­vices for a lot of peo­ple, but there’s a risk that indi­vid­u­als may not per­son­al­ize that per­cep­tion to see what Post Office can do for them. Post Office approach­es this chal­lenge by know­ing their audi­ence and sell­ing their strengths. Markey also shared how he sees mar­ket­ing evolv­ing with more of a focus on “data, insight and intelligence.”

Doreen Wang, Glob­al Head of BrandZ, shared some of the most valu­able insights Euro­pean CMOs can gain from ris­ing brands in the Asia. A recent BrandZ report from India and Indone­sia, the two largest democ­ra­cies in Asia, revealed that brand val­ue in those mar­kets has increased by doing three things. First, brands should find and embrace the con­tra­dic­tions at the core of a brand’s mes­sage. Sec­ond, brands can devel­op deep­er cus­tomer loy­al­ty by build­ing authen­tic brand trust. Final­ly, brands are encour­aged to devel­op mobile strate­gies where the dig­i­tal and phys­i­cal meet. As Asian mar­kets con­tin­ue to grow, Euro­pean mar­keters would do well to learn from them.

The Adobe Dig­i­tal Index 2015 Hol­i­day Shop­ping Pre­dic­tions report found that online shop­ping dur­ing the hol­i­day sea­son would be about the same as last year for Euro­peans. It also found that online retail­ers are tak­ing this impor­tant shop­ping peri­od as an oppor­tu­ni­ty to encour­age con­sumers to do more of their year-round shop­ping online. A dri­ving fac­tor in per­suad­ing con­sumers to adopt more online shop­ping is the ease of stress that it pro­vides over tra­di­tion­al shop­ping though mobile seemed to be more stress­ful than desk­top. A vari­ety of prod­ucts and prod­uct reviews were also necessary.

The week end­ed with Thomas Bar­ta, CMO Advis­er and Man­ag­ing Direc­tor of Act­vance | Glob­al Lead­er­ship Advis­ers, shar­ing some insight­ful tips for build­ing a win­ning mar­ket­ing team. Bar­ta shared that many com­pa­nies make the process of find­ing team mem­bers too com­plex. Instead, they should focus on the extra­or­di­nary skills their mar­ket­ing team needs. Then the focus can move to find­ing peo­ple with those skills. It’s also impor­tant to keep the list of traits and skills small because the more com­plex an organisation’s list becomes, the less like­ly they are to find some­one that meets their criteria.

Please spend some time this week engag­ing with our exclu­sive con­tent on and learn from some the top mar­ket­ing lead­ers. Don’t for­get to let us know what you think.