Get Inspired On-the-Go with Adobe’s Marketing Podcasts

In our mar­ket­ing world, things are chang­ing all the time and it can be a strug­gle to keep up with all lat­est research, new devel­op­ments and emerg­ing trends. Indeed, ear­li­er this year in our Adobe Dig­i­tal Road­block Report 2015, near­ly half of you told us that you were con­cerned about your abil­i­ty to keep pace with this change. This got us think­ing about how we could help and about dif­fer­ent and fun ways to share some of our learn­ings and con­tent with you. Ways that fit neat­ly into busy days.

That’s why I am excit­ed to announce that we are launch­ing a set of mar­ket­ing pod­casts fea­tur­ing great artists like Mal­colm McDow­ell (in the UK) and Rufus Beck (in Ger­many) who bring a new sto­ry­telling aspect to the lat­est mar­ket­ing the­o­ries and prac­tices. The pod­casts are designed to help inspire new ideas and show­case some of the brands that are break­ing new ground in marketing.

The first four are avail­able now and look at apply­ing dig­i­tal mar­ket­ing capa­bil­i­ties to mobile, keep­ing app users engaged and how to build a cross chan­nel mar­ket­ing strat­e­gy. And the good news is that we’ll be adding more pod­casts on a reg­u­lar basis.

I hope you enjoy the con­tent as much as we enjoyed mak­ing these pod­casts – and if you have any feed­back for us, we’d love to hear it.