Update about Edge Tools and Services

Adobe Edge Tools & Services were launched in 2012 as a way for Adobe to develop and experiment with a set of task-focused, lightweight apps for responsive web design, cross-browser testing and HTML5 animation. Web designers and developers have been receptive, but have consistently asked for tighter integration with our existing tools and workflows.

In order to focus our efforts and resources on implementing this feedback, Edge Reflow (preview), Edge Inspect and Edge Animate are no longer being actively developed. We will continue to work on bringing their core capabilities to our industry-leading creative tools, with ongoing support for open web standards. Here are some examples of the work that is already underway:

Edge Tools & Services will continue to be available for Creative Cloud members, and we will provide security updates and bug fixes as necessary.

We are excited about supporting next generation technologies and HTML5 capabilities in our flagship tools, with the ultimate goal of helping our customers achieve their goals on the web, mobile and beyond.