The New Era of Marketing Magic

Our world is one where the con­sumer reigns supreme. Equipped with the pow­er to know vir­tu­al­ly any­thing about prod­ucts and com­pa­nies, con­sumers make snap deci­sions about which com­pa­nies do and do not deserve their trust.

Mar­keters need to move beyond the realms of tra­di­tion­al adver­tis­ing bound­aries and branch fur­ther afield in order to con­nect with these con­sumers. To help with this chal­lenge, Adobe has launched Mar­ket­ing Pod­casts to help keep you up-to-date on the lat­est insights, research, and best prac­tices. The first two blogs in the series are avail­able here:

  1. Get Inspired On-the-Go with Adobe’s Mar­ket­ing Podcasts
  2. Ten Ways Cross-Chan­nel Mar­ket­ing is NOT Rock­et Science

Our third pod­cast exam­ines the new era of mar­ket­ing mag­ic and shares advice about how you can make this mag­ic hap­pen in your work­place. Cov­er­ing top­ics such as the Inter­net of Me and con­sumer behav­iours, our aim is to help you trans­gress bound­aries and achieve that trea­sured con­nec­tion with your consumers.

In order to achieve this, it is impor­tant that mar­keters con­sid­er “digi­tis­ing the phys­i­cal”. The lines between the phys­i­cal and the dig­i­tal have nev­er been so blurred and con­sumers expect an authen­tic con­nec­tion when­ev­er and wher­ev­er. Mar­keters need to under­stand that con­sumers are ask­ing for more per­son­alised expe­ri­ences. Adobe Dig­i­tal Index Sur­veys show that 57% of con­sumers believe in in-store pro­mo­tions and 77% say an in-store pro­mo­tion on their smart watch would feel normal.

The pow­er of the con­sumer will con­tin­ue to grow in the future and soon we will be in a world where cloth­ing gath­ers data, refrig­er­a­tors do shop­ping and com­pa­nies tap into the con­sumers’ inner­most thoughts. This is the future of mar­ket­ing. It is hap­pen­ing now, and it is noth­ing short of magical.

Lis­ten to The New Era of Mar­ket­ing Mag­ic now and stay ahead of the curve.
