Highlights – Marketers in an Ever-Evolving World
Last week’s exclusives featured some of the considerations both marketers and their organisations should make in today’s marketing world. In this ever-evolving world, marketers have a lot more career options than they did in the past. Organisations, as well, have many more opportunities to reach consumers, and it’s important that they implement the changes necessary to stay competitive with other companies’ marketing efforts. Any change is bound to involve challenges, and last week’s exclusives touched on possible changes and offered helpful tips for successfully navigating some of them.
The week began with an interview with Jenny Ashmore, President of The Chartered Institute of Marketing. The CIM aims to develop the marketing and sales professions by helping marketing and sales practitioners improve their skills. Ashmore noted that it’s an exciting time for marketers. Whereas marketers in the past may have had one or two career courses to choose from, today’s marketers have more opportunities to pursue careers that line up with their interests. Moreover, marketers can choose a path where they feel they can make the most difference. Ashmore also discussed the role CIM serves in helping individuals map out their career paths.
Graham Ruddick, CEO of Communitize, touched on discussions from the Adobe Design Advantage Forum about the role of design strategy in digital transformation and the importance of the customer experience. For companies trying to embrace digital transformation, great design is an important delivery focus in shaping the customer experience. In fact, according to Jon Hunter, head of design at Transport for London, design and the customer experience should be inextricably linked.
Marius Smyth, Managing Director of EMEA AdRoll, addressed the disconnect that many companies face between their marketing and budgeting metrics. Smyth encourages marketers to spend time with their companies’ financial departments in developing their marketing metrics. This ensures that both departments are on the same page. Also important is that every individual in a company utilizes the same terminology when discussing business objectives. Marketers should track success and keep everyone in the company actively engaged in the company’s marketing strategies.
The week ended with some refreshing insights by Katz Kiely, CEO and Founder of Kiely & Co, on implementing change in an organisation and the role of data in those changes. She began by highlighting the need for change in a world that is constantly evolving before touching on some helpful tips for successfully navigating change. Kiely drew on her own experience of redesigning an event that hadn’t changed in 40 years while the world around it had changed significantly. Seeking answers as to why people are so adverse to change, Kiely began looking into the behavioural sciences. This led her to develop some tools to nudge people in an organisation along through change. Kiely also touched on the key to finding effective change agents.
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