Hidden Gems in Acrobat DC: Host Shared Reviews on SharePoint/Office 365 Sites

Effective content can engage and inspire readers. It can turn a prospect into a lead, a lead into a customer, and a customer into a life-long advocate. But effective content doesn’t just happen! Collaboration is key to fine-tune copy, images, and layout.

We all know the drill with collaboration headaches of yesteryear. Someone would edit an outdated version of the document, many of their comments having been addressed in a later version. Two of your teammates would submit their reviews simultaneously, leaving you to sift through both versions and merge the commentary. Luckily, today your team uses Acrobat DC and leverages the power of shared reviews.

  1. Select Send for Comments in the Tools pane.


  1. Select Send for Shared Commenting in the toolbar.*


  1. Select Automatically collect comments on my own internal server from the dropdown menu and click Next.


  1. Select SharePoint subsite, enter the SharePoint URL, and click Get Subsites.**


  1. Select your Subsite and Document Library and click OK. Click Next.
  2. Click Next to send the PDF as an email attachment from within Acrobat.


  1. Enter a new profile name or click Next to use the default.


  1. Enter all your reviewers’ email addresses and click Send.


With so many powerful tools at your disposal, you can easily keep collaboration workflows seamless. Work smarter with Acrobat DC. Check out the Learn section of our blog for more tips and tricks, and stay tuned for more Hidden Gems.

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