Super Bowl 50: Do you know what your marketing is doing?

Super Bowl 50 is set to be the biggest yet, fol­low­ing the Nation­al Foot­ball League’s (NFL) major ini­tia­tive to attract new fans from over­seas. From sell-out fix­tures at Wem­b­ley to a mas­sive fan fes­ti­val on Regent Street, there’s no ques­tion its pop­u­lar­i­ty has soared.

Inevitably, more inter­est in the game means more inter­est in the ads. After all, the annu­al cham­pi­onship game of the NFL has become as well known for the adver­tis­ing as for the game itself. With Reuters esti­mat­ing that 160 mil­lion view­ers tuned in last year, this real­ly is one of, if not the biggest stage out there for new adverts. It’s a huge oppor­tu­ni­ty, but can be fraught with risk if mar­keters don’t get it right.

This idea of get­ting it wrong on a glob­al scale to the tune of mil­lions of dol­lars is the premise of our new adver­tis­ing cam­paign, The Gam­bler, cre­at­ed with Good­by, Sil­ver­stein & Part­ners. The advert pokes fun at the enor­mous pres­sure CMOs are under when it comes to big expen­sive ad cam­paigns, and shows a CMO ner­vous­ly watch­ing the Super Bowl. But he’s not bet­ting on the big game – he’s gam­bling on one of the high­ly cov­et­ed ad slots. Unfor­tu­nate­ly, the ad doesn’t get the desired reaction.

Essen­tial­ly, spend­ing mil­lions of dol­lars isn’t enough to guar­an­tee a win­ning cam­paign. To cre­ate an icon­ic moment, and get peo­ple talk­ing for the right rea­sons, adver­tis­ers must use a com­bi­na­tion of cre­ativ­i­ty and data, and opti­mise the cam­paign across all rel­e­vant touch­points to deliv­er mean­ing­ful expe­ri­ences that sur­prise and delight their audi­ences. By tak­ing this approach, adver­tis­ers can afford to go ‘all in’.

The Gam­bler launched today and will tar­get mar­keters through a mul­ti-plat­form adver­tis­ing cam­paign in the UK, Ger­many and North Amer­i­ca. You can watch The Gam­bler below.

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