Adobe DITA Webinars with Bernard Aschwanden in March 2016
March and April 2016 become Know-How-packed! In addition the three webinars with Tom Aldous in March, Bernard Aschwanden, founder of Publishing Smarter, President and Associate Fellow of the Society for Technical Communication (STC) and Professor at the Seneca College of Applied Arts & Technology (Toronto, Canada) will share his deep and wide specialist knowledge and experience in five webinars in March and April 2016.
- March 8: Setting up a Corporate Template for DITA with FrameMaker 2015
- March 15: Creating your First DITA Maps and Topics with FrameMaker 2015
- March 24: FrameMaker XML Author: The Content Contributors Toolkit
- March 31: Migrating to XML with FrameMaker Conversion Tables
- April 12: Enhanced Paragraph Autonumberings with FrameMaker 2015
In these webinars we will explain how to create compelling templates for DITA Authoring, guide you through the first steps in creating DITA topics and DITA maps with FrameMaker, shade light on FrameMaker XML Author for teams and show how easy it is to migrate unstructured FrameMaker documents to DITA with FrameMaker’s build in conversion tables. In the last webinar we will dive deeper into the fascinating world of extended auto-numberings in FrameMaker and learn that you can do much more than just create simple 1, 2, 3 ordered lists.
Register for these webinars and get a full load of DITA and FrameMaker knowledge!
Setting up a Corporate Template for DITA with FrameMaker 2015
Webinar Date:
Tuesday, March 8, 2016
Webinar Time:
11 am PST / 2 pm EST / 8 pm CET
Registration Fee:
FrameMaker (2015 release) uses several templates for DITA including ones for topics, concepts, references, tasks, maps, and even when publishing. Learn where these templates are stored and how to configure them. See tips and tricks to updating the default templates to more closely match existing company templates, or even replace them with your own styles. Adjust the EDD as needed to further refine the appearance of output. This session explores the default templates and ideas can be recreated using your own templates.
Creating your First DITA Maps and Topics with FrameMaker 2015
Webinar Date:
Tuesday, March 15, 2016
Webinar Time:
11 am PST / 2 pm EST / 8 pm CET
Registration Fee:
FrameMaker (2015 release) comes with a wide range of publishing options. And they also work perfectly with DITA.
This webinar is all about creating DITA maps and DITA topics with Adobe FrameMaker (2015 release). You will learn how easy it is to create DITA maps and topics (including tasks, concepts, and references). Using templates that are provided with FrameMaker (or the custom templates from the previous session) you can quickly develop content that is compliant with the DITA specification. Content can be published through maps to format rich output quickly and professionally.
FrameMaker XML Author: The Content Contributors Toolkit
Webinar Date:
Thursday, March 24, 2016
Webinar Time:
11 am PST / 2 pm EST / 8 pm CET
Registration Fee:
Adobe FrameMaker XML Author (2015 release) enables both authors and subject matter experts to easily contribute DITA compliant content without knowing XML. An intuitive UI, multiple views, MathML equation support, and new DITA 1.3 support make it easier than ever before to get all content contributors in an enterprise on board for DITA while keeping the budget low.
In this webinar, Bernard Aschwanden will show how to author DITA compliant content as a subject matter expert in several ways with FrameMaker XML Author (2015 release). Workflows can include pure XML, or working in a guided author environment.
In this webinar you will learn how to configure your work environment as an author and create content such as DITA topics (tasks, concepts, references) using a simple to follow workflow.
Migrating to XML with FrameMaker Conversion Tables
Webinar Date:
Thursday, March 31, 2016
Webinar Time:
11 am PST / 2 pm EST / 8 pm CET
Registration Fee:
Converting content from unstructured to structured FrameMaker means using tools like an EDD and a conversion table as well as a structured template.
Using basic examples to get you started, this session takes simple files with content such as character tags and paragraph tags, as well as images and tables, and shows you how to convert your unstructured content into a structured file using a conversion table. Samples are easy to recreate, but complex and powerful in functionality.
Unstructured FrameMaker to structured content, and all with an eye on XML: Learn how – in less than an hour!
Enhanced Paragraph Autonumberings with FrameMaker 2015
Webinar Date:
Tuesday, April 12
Webinar Time:
11 am PST / 2 pm EST / 8 pm CET
Registration Fee:
FrameMaker has a powerful numbering system that allows books to help drive the numbering of chapters, sections, figures, tables, and other content. Add to that support for complex numbering for things like procedures and you have some serious planning to do.
In this webinar you will learn to develop a numbering system, apply it to templates, test it, and develop books with complete numbering. We cover not only the 1-2-3s, but the A-B-Cs, and much more!
About the Presenter
Bernard Aschwanden solves problems and helps companies generate more revenue. He guides clients through the best processes to create, manage, and deliver content. Once delivered, he helps socialize the message, understand and act on feedback, and improve the process and workflow.He is the founder of Publishing Smarter, an Associate Fellow of the Society for Technical Communication (STC), and STC President. Bernard has helped hundreds of companies implement successful solutions. He is focused on publishing better, publishing faster, and publishing smarter.