Data, Insights and Strong Leadership to Drive Customer Experience Highlights

Last week’s exclu­sive con­tent on touched on brands look­ing ahead to what’s next on their company’s agen­da. This could involve being more cus­tomer-cen­tric or focus­ing more on util­is­ing dig­i­tal chan­nels. As the mar­ket­ing world con­tin­ues to evolve, with cus­tomer expec­ta­tions always chang­ing and emerg­ing tech­nolo­gies dis­rupt­ing the land­scape, the bot­tom line is that brands have to devel­op a for­ward-think­ing view to be pre­pared for what’s ahead.

Matthew Tod, part­ner at PwC, kicked off the week with some insight­ful tips on how to improve the cus­tomer expe­ri­ence by get­ting the promise mak­ers and promise keep­ers of an organ­i­sa­tion to work togeth­er. Tod encour­ages organ­i­sa­tions to imple­ment bet­ter data ana­lyt­ic strate­gies, devel­op lead­ers who are pas­sion­ate about cus­tomers, and build a com­pa­ny cul­ture designed to serve cus­tomers. Remov­ing the all-too-often dis­con­nect between mar­ket­ing promis­es and deliv­ery gives cus­tomers a more sat­is­fy­ing experience.

The inter­view last week with Camil­la Ram­by, SVP, head of Mar­Com at TDC Group, touched on her company’s approach to dig­i­tal mar­ket­ing. One of the pri­ma­ry advan­tages Ram­by men­tioned was TDC’s invest­ment in data ana­lyt­ics. Work­ing close­ly with the ana­lyt­ics team has great­ly increased the company’s mar­ket­ing suc­cess. Ram­by also stressed the impor­tance of hir­ing peo­ple with dig­i­tal expe­ri­ence because that spe­cial­ist knowl­edge is vital to com­pa­nies mov­ing for­ward in the dig­i­tal realm.

Dig­i­tal Mar­ket­ing Strate­gist David Reil­ly intro­duced strate­gic antic­i­pa­tion as a key char­ac­ter­is­tic of com­pa­nies that are ready to face the future. Reil­ly describes strate­gic antic­i­pa­tion as an organisation’s abil­i­ty to antic­i­pate future trends and uncer­tain­ties in order to be pre­pared to com­pete when those trends and uncer­tain­ties arrive. Giv­en the rate of change in the mar­ket­ing world, strate­gic antic­i­pa­tion is vital to a company’s future growth.

In’s exclu­sive video, Willem Wij­nen, CMO of The Sting, shared what’s next for his com­pa­ny. His com­pa­ny has achieved a high degree of cus­tomer loy­al­ty, but its aim is to begin to bet­ter under­stand those cus­tomers and pro­vide more per­son­alisedex­pe­ri­ences. The Sting is rely­ing heav­i­ly on data to devel­op a high­ly per­son­alised sin­gle cus­tomer view.

Katz Kiely, CEO and Founder of Kiely & Co, fin­ished the week with some thought­ful tips on how organ­i­sa­tions can attract and keep the best tal­ent. Much of suc­cess­ful recruit­ment and reten­tion relies upon pro­vid­ing a cul­ture where employ­ees are encour­aged to work cre­ative­ly and col­lab­o­ra­tive­ly. Organ­i­sa­tions need to pro­vide sig­nif­i­cant staff engage­ment to impact recruit­ment, reten­tion, and over­all growth.

We hope you’ll check out our exclu­sive con­tent on and learn from some of the world’s top mar­ket­ing pro­fes­sion­als. And please let us know what you think.