Video: Marketing Is Moving From Art To Science, Says Elsevier VP eBusiness
The move to data-driven marketing is creating challenges around staffing, agility, personalisation, and return on investment.
Marketing is changing from an art to a science, creating challenges around staffing, agility, personalisation and return on investment.
That’s the view expressed by Henk Jan Gerzee, VP eBusiness at Dutch scientific, technical, and medical publisher Elsevier, speaking to after the Adobe Digital Marketing Symposium in Amsterdam at the end of last year (Adobe is’s parent company).
“We have a few challenges. Marketing is changing from an art to a science, which has an impact on the skillset needed in the organisation,” he said. “We need more scientists, more developers in marketing. We need to implement new solutions faster.
“Then how do we ensure that we have real-time personalised messages to our customers?”
“And how are we going to increase our return on marketing investment? Measurement is becoming easier, because it’s all digital, so now we have to translate that into making the right choices on where we get the best return.”
According to Gerzee, Elsevier is also changing the metrics it uses for its marketing.
“We’re moving more towards revenue metrics in the marketing space,” he said. “Marketing is moving to take on more responsibility for the bottom-line results of the company.”