Experience Matters. Introducing Adobe XD.

Experience matters. It’s a term we coined back in the early days at Macromedia and has always held true throughout my career at Adobe. We believe that great experiences build great businesses. It’s what drives us to provide designers with the best tools, the best solutions to bring those experiences to life. Great experiences are hard to quantify, but we all know when we are having them. And today, the bar has never been higher in terms of what we all expect from our mobile and web experiences.

Today, we’re excited to introduce Adobe Experience Design CC (Preview). Adobe XD is an early release of our much-anticipated UX design and prototyping solution for the design community to deliver amazing mobile apps and web sites. Initially demo’ed as “Project Comet” at Adobe MAX in October 2015, we are releasing this Preview to invite the full design community to join the thousands of existing pre-release customers to share their feedback, ensuring that designers give critical input into the evolving product features. Adobe XD is available as a free download if you have an Adobe ID, and we expect the first commercial release to be available for Adobe Creative Cloud members later this year.

Read the full Adobe XD story on Adobe Slate.