Adobe Summit: IoT Moves Into ‘Systems’ Phase
AnyPresence CMO Susan Miller and Rich Strader, Ford Motor’s director, enterprise and emerging IT, addressed the changing landscape during the “Let’s get physical” session.
The ability to deliver digital experiences across multiple devices takes a comprehensive understanding about the Internet of Things (IoT). At last week’s Adobe Summit, we heard from AnyPresence CMO Susan Miller, who, during the “Let’s get physical: How tangible products and IoT make marketing smarter” session, spoke about the three phases tech has experienced.
• Phase 1: “From the 1990s to 2010, we were in the ‘M2M’ phase, where typical applications included asset monitoring and fleet management. Typical system characteristics included single-purpose industrial applications connecting via proprietary networks to a data center. Service providers focused on delivering end-to-end proprietary designs.”
• Phase 2: “We then transitioned from 2010 to 2016 to the ‘IoT Silo’ phase, where typical applications included the connected home, wearable computing, and connected cars. Typical system characteristics included single-purpose applications that connected to the Internet or cloud. Service providers focused on speed to market and features.”
• Phase 3: “We are now entering the ‘IoT Systems’ phase, which we predict will go through 2025. Typical applications include connecting IoT data silos to create new value and insights. Typical system characteristics include multiple applications working in concert, connecting in the cloud and at the network edge. Service providers focus on end-to-end designs.”
So what should marketers be thinking about for IoT success? Miller made these four points:
- Brands will win if they enable the best developer ecosystem. Engage developers with a holistic program.
- You must enable your brand to work in concert with others. New collaborators may even be today’s competitors.
- Your developer ecosystem may create new in-kind process flows for your customers. Enable them to freely create.
- Future-proof your IoT technology decisions. Avoid the vendor lock-in mistakes of Web and mobile.
We also heard from Rich Strader, director, enterprise and emerging IT, at Ford Motor. Ford has been racing toward the IoT and is leading the pack to deliver new experiences to its customers.
“The landscape is rapidly changing where IT is becoming integral to the business to deliver a connected digital business,” Strader said. “We see IT and technology driving new business models. Businesses are beginning to leverage IT to create new business models and brand differentiation as the IoT explodes.”
Strader laid out the factors that are driving the Ford IoT business case:
- Globalization is growing Ford’s business exponentially.
- Technology is advancing at an unprecedented rate.
- Digital data has become limitless.
- Consumers expect connectivity from automotive brands.
- The demand for IT services is increasing, as is the demand for new business models.
- Technological innovation will keep Ford one step ahead as it designs, builds, sells, and finances its products.
“We’ve shifted Ford’s business model from being a car company to being a car company and a mobility company with the goal of making peoples’ lives better,” Strader said. “This new model works with our core business, as well as emerging opportunities, allowing us to build an even stronger future.”
Developing an IoT plan and bringing a new business model to life is a complex undertaking, he noted. Ford is conducting a series of “Smart Mobility Experiments” around the world, designed to test breakthrough transportation ideas to create better customer experiences. “The insights we gain will shape Ford’s future investments,” Strader said.
More: Adobe Summit 2016: Team Coverage
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