Innovating the Retail Experience

In the hyper-com­pet­i­tive world of retail, pro­vid­ing a run-of-the-mill dig­i­tal expe­ri­ence is not enough. Cus­tomers expect a con­tin­u­ous and con­sis­tent expe­ri­ence across all touch-points, and they want it to be per­son­alised in a mean­ing­ful way.

The lat­est Adobe Dig­i­tal Index data under­lines that get­ting this right is an oppor­tu­ni­ty that can­not be missed. Online retail sales across Europe soared over the fes­tive peri­od in Novem­ber and Decem­ber; £19.16bn was spent online in the UK, €24.45bn in Ger­many and €14.97bn in France, rep­re­sent­ing year-on-year growth of 8% for UK and 12% for both Ger­many and France. The UK took the mobile crown with 41% of online spend on either a tablet or smart­phone, com­pared to 23% in Ger­many and the same in France.

Retail­ers will only get a share of this online jack­pot if they are deliv­er­ing the best pos­si­ble cus­tomer expe­ri­ence, whether that’s in-store, online or on mobile devices. A series of prod­uct inno­va­tions in Adobe Mar­ket­ing Cloud will help retail­ers across Europe achieve this, with the lat­est updates including:

These inno­va­tions offer a cru­cial com­pet­i­tive advan­tage to encour­age brand loy­al­ty and dri­ve all-impor­tant sales. To find out more about Adobe Mar­ket­ing Cloud for Retail­ers vis­it:
