Adobe Advertising Cloud Accelerates Display Advertising with New Cross-Device Capabilities

Today, Adobe continues its innovation in programmatic ad buying by announcing cross device attribution, reporting and targeting capabilities at Adobe Summit. We announced the new Adobe Marketing Cloud Device Co-op and Device Graph Core Service, which will be available to Adobe Marketing Cloud and Adobe Advertising Cloud customers. Through its connection with the Co-op, customers of Adobe Advertising Cloud, our programmatic ad buying platform, will be able to track, target and report on campaigns across mobile, tablet and PC.

Industry statistics cite fifty percent of display ads are expected to be transacted programmatically by 2019. Worldwide programmatic display spend is forecast to almost triple from $20B in 2016 to $56B in 2019. Most of the growth is driven by mobile and video.

It’s a multi-device world and digital marketers are adjusting their advertising strategies accordingly. Advertising Cloud is rolling out a torrent of new features continuing to build on its industry leading display offering.

Cross Device Attribution, Reporting and Targeting

Digital marketing has historically looked at each user and device combination as a “unique visitor” rather than as an individual person using many devices. The Adobe Marketing Cloud Device Co-op will connect devices to people, allowing advertisers using Advertising Cloud to scale their cross-device campaigns for true people-based marketing.

Advertising Cloud customers that opt into Adobe’s new Co-op will have a complete picture of the effectiveness of their advertising campaigns. Instead of attributing revenue from customers converting on a single device, an advertiser will be able to track how users interact with their brand across multiple devices and accurately attribute revenue and conversions. Additionally, an advertiser will be able to target those customers throughout their journey as they travel across multiple touchpoints, reaching them with relevant experiences.

Growing Video Channel to include Real Time Bidding

Much of the growth in programmatic ad spend will come from video over the next five years. Video is expected to be the primary ad unit by 2020, according to some sources. Advertising Cloud already connects with Facebook video through the social channel, taking advantage of Facebook’s massive user base of 1.5B and 8B daily video views.

We’re pleased to announce that Advertising Cloud is now ramping up its video offering by connecting to real-time bidded video inventory on the Google Ad Exchange and other exchanges. The key benefits to our customers will be the ability to:

Connecting Analytics & Audience Manager Segments to Dynamic Experiences

Adobe Advertising Cloud Creative allows advertisers to reach granular audiences with flexible ad creative that is personalized in real-time to drive user engagement and conversions. It offers a broad range of campaign and audience targeting options to meet a brand’s specific needs and goals with flexible, custom ad layouts, allowing for real-time optimization of creative content and ad elements for all device types.

Newly announced at Summit, Advertising Cloud Creative is now connecting with Adobe Experience Cloud audiences. This means an advertiser can now use audience segments from Adobe Analytics, Adobe Audience Manager and Adobe Advertising Cloud to define and inform a dynamic creative experience.

The audience segment triggers a unique creative theme or layout, and Advertising Cloud Creative automatically renders the dynamic content with elements like price, product, images, locations and promotional copy.

Adobe continues to Super Charge its Industry Leading Programmatic Platform

Adobe is redefining digital marketing and advertising by connecting its Experience Cloud audiences to programmatic advertising, and offering a comprehensive buy-side ad stack with the industry’s most advanced cross-channel programmatic ad buying platform. According to Forrester’s Digital Experience Platforms report: “Adobe’s integrated platform leads the market. Adobe has established a platform of best-of-breed technologies that support marketing activities.” (Forrester Wave™: Digital Experience Platforms, Q4 2015)

With the new Adobe Marketing Cloud Device Co-op and Device Graph Core Service, we are addressing the needs of agencies and advertisers to prepare them for the forecasted explosive growth in mobile and video programmatic ad spend over the next five years. Adobe is addressing advertiser needs for the management, buying, and delivery of programmatic advertising in a multi-device world by providing a complete picture of the user for targeting, attribution, and reporting across devices.
