Are you an experience business? Adobe Summit EMEA 2016

The dig­i­tal rev­o­lu­tion has unleashed a new breed of cus­tomer, one that demands con­sis­tent and real time inter­ac­tion with brands and com­pa­nies wher­ev­er and when­ev­er they want. Our tol­er­ance lev­els have changed beyond recog­ni­tion – for me per­son­al­ly, if my expe­ri­ence of a brand doesn’t live up to my expec­ta­tions, I’ll move on to anoth­er that does. A seam­less and excep­tion­al expe­ri­ence across devices and chan­nels is now cru­cial to busi­ness success.

Today we have every­thing we need to devel­op these excep­tion­al expe­ri­ences: cre­ative brains and tal­ent to devel­op con­tent that sur­pris­es and delights, the tools to make sure that con­tent is deliv­ered con­sis­tent­ly, and final­ly the data that tells us what works for each and every one of our cus­tomers. Deliv­er­ing rel­e­vant, seam­less, and per­son­alised expe­ri­ences across all touch­points is what it means to be an expe­ri­ence business.

And this is what we’ll be focus­ing on at this year’s Adobe Sum­mit EMEA (11 – 12 May 2016). In just a few short years, Sum­mit has become one of Europe’s most hot­ly antic­i­pat­ed dig­i­tal mar­ket­ing con­fer­ences as well as the largest, pre­cise­ly because it pro­vides unpar­al­leled access to the peo­ple and com­pa­nies at the fore­front of our industry.

This year is promis­es to be bet­ter than ever with the industry’s top thinkers and inno­va­tors telling us what it means to them to be an expe­ri­ence busi­ness. We’ll be joined by true mar­ket­ing super­stars like BMW’s head of brand mar­ket­ing Dr. Steven F. Althaus and Jere­my Bas­set, head of Unilever Foundry. Along with a raft of dig­i­tal mar­ket­ing experts from lead­ing brands includ­ing Vir­gin Media, O2, Sky, Mer­cedes-Benz and Roy­al Bank of Scotland.

I am also excit­ed to announce that we’ll also hear from a cou­ple of big names about how they are lead­ing with expe­ri­ence – from the film and TV indus­try we have actor, pro­duc­er and activist Col­in Far­rell, and from the restau­rant indus­try we have inter­na­tion­al­ly renowned chef Hes­ton Blu­men­thal OBE.

If you want to get in depth, you can choose from more than 100 ses­sions across 10 tracks designed to offer insight into the lat­est strate­gies and devel­op your learn­ing. Of course you’ll also be able to learn more about how we are help­ing cus­tomers to make, man­age and mea­sure expe­ri­ence across our three clouds — Adobe Mar­ket­ing Cloud, Adobe Cre­ative Cloud for Enter­prise and Adobe Doc­u­ment Cloud.

While all the infor­ma­tion and learn­ing is great, what makes Sum­mit tru­ly spe­cial for me is the oppor­tu­ni­ty to con­nect with and learn from like minds from across Europe. And let’s not for­get the chance to par­ty togeth­er at the Sum­mit Cel­e­bra­tion. This year we’ll be rock­ing out with Mer­cury Prize nom­i­nees and British indie band Djan­go Django.

This promis­es to be our biggest EMEA Sum­mit yet, and it wouldn’t be pos­si­ble with­out our Dia­mond spon­sors Accen­ture Inter­ac­tive, Deloitte Dig­i­tal and Publicis.Sapient. We’d like to thank them and all our spon­sors for the many dif­fer­ent ways they are help­ing organ­i­sa­tions to become expe­ri­ence businesses.

You can reg­is­ter for Sum­mit here, or if you want to find out more about what the event will have in store you can check out the high­lights from Adobe Sum­mit EMEA 2015.