Announcing our first annual WhichTestWon Adobe Target Awards for EMEA

Are you good at guess­ing which expe­ri­ences are going to win when you run a test on your web­site or mobile app? Do you run great tests for your com­pa­ny using Adobe Tar­get? If so then we’ve got a great com­pe­ti­tion and break­out at Adobe Sum­mit EMEA for you!

This year at Adobe Sum­mit we’re part­ner­ing with WhichT­est­Won to run the first annu­al WhichT­est­Won Adobe Tar­get Awards. WhichT­est­Won is an inde­pen­dent organ­i­sa­tion ded­i­cat­ed to bring­ing the world’s dig­i­tal mar­keters inspi­ra­tion, real-life data and best prac­tices around A/B and mul­ti­vari­ate test­ing as well as con­ver­sion rate opti­mi­sa­tion. In March we kicked off with our US Awards at Adobe Sum­mit in Las Vegas. It was a great suc­cess, with lots of great entries, six win­ners select­ed and a glitzy award cer­e­mo­ny at Sum­mit itself. All six win­ners were on stage dis­cussing their win­ning Adobe Tar­get tests, with Steve Rude of Thom­son Reuters walked away with the Grand Prize, and Melody Walk of Fer­gu­son Enter­pris­es was vot­ed as win­ner of the People’s Choice Award.

To learn about our Adobe Sum­mit U.S. win­ners, read our blog posts the win­ners from round 1 (Fer­gu­son Enter­pris­es and Time Warn­er Cable), round 2 (Extra­Space Stor­age and Ver­i­zon Wire­less) and round 3 (Thom­son Reuters and McClatchy) of the Adobe Sum­mit N.A. contest.

Now it’s on to Adobe Sum­mit EMEA and we’re again run­ning this fun con­test with WhichT­est­Won, the web site that lets you guess which expe­ri­ence won in real-life A/B tests.

Here’s how the EMEA-based con­test works:

Adobe Tar­get cus­tomers sub­mit their best A/B or Mul­ti-vari­ate tests online. We’re look­ing for tests that show inno­v­a­tive think­ing, deeply tap into the pow­er of Adobe Tar­get and Adobe Mar­ket­ing Cloud capa­bil­i­ties, or gen­er­al­ly make us say, “Wow!” From a sin­gle round of the con­test, which con­cludes on April 14 at 11:59 GMT, judges from Adobe Tar­get and WhichT­est­Won will review the entries and select four winners—two from mobile and two from web – we’d love to see some mobile app tests.

Here’s what you get if you win:

Win­ners get a free pass to Adobe Sum­mit EMEA 2016 in Lon­don, along with com­pli­men­ta­ry round trip air­fare to Lon­don, and two nights’ hotel (nights of May 10 and 11). They get their test entered into the con­test for the Grand Prize and the People’s Choice Award, which will be award­ed on-stage dur­ing ses­sion P07: Step right up and guess the test win­ner. WhichT­est­Won also enters the test into their Annu­al WhichT­est­Won Awards.

If you have a great test enter the con­test today—it takes only a few min­utes to fill in the online form and upload your test images. With four win­ners to select, you could eas­i­ly be one of them!

Enter the con­test here:

Best of luck!