Quick Guide: Personalisation and Optimisation Sessions at Adobe Summit EMEA

With the Per­son­al­i­sa­tion & Opti­mi­sa­tion track at Adobe Sum­mit EMEA, we real­ly try to deliv­er a cohe­sive set of ses­sions and labs that pro­vide a mean­ing­ful and valu­able Adobe Sum­mit expe­ri­ence for atten­dees. This year is no dif­fer­ent and this guide is designed to help you fig­ure out how to best spend your time to max­imise the val­ue of that expe­ri­ence — espe­cial­ly impor­tant as we’re about to go live with the ses­sion favourit­ing func­tion­al­i­ty for reg­is­tered atten­dees — which means you can start build­ing your agen­da for the two days.

To that end, here’s my guide to the Per­son­al­i­sa­tion & Opti­mi­sa­tion ses­sions at Adobe Sum­mit EMEA this year.

The Main Focus Areas for This Year’s Per­son­al­i­sa­tion & Opti­mi­sa­tion Sessions

In response to cus­tomer inter­est and chal­lenges, this year our ses­sions focus on four main areas:

Get­ting Start­ed and Build­ing a Sus­tain­able Opti­mi­sa­tion Program

Dig­i­tal mar­keters often get stuck sim­ply know­ing where to start with opti­mi­sa­tion. They invest a lot in the tools to launch their pro­gram, but then don’t get the return on invest­ment (ROI) that they expect­ed or take a long time to realise that ROI.

PO3: Adobe Tar­get: Redesigned for pow­er­ful opti­mi­sa­tion and mar­keter con­trol lets you see how today’s high­ly approach­able, but extreme­ly pow­er­ful Adobe Tar­get lets you imme­di­ate­ly gain ROI from your opti­mi­sa­tion activities.

Once organ­i­sa­tions do get start­ed with opti­mi­sa­tion, many find it chal­leng­ing to take their pro­gram to the next lev­el. Growth like that requires much more than sim­ply hav­ing the right tech­nol­o­gy in place; it requires the right peo­ple, process­es and gov­er­nance. PO8: Clear­ing hur­dles for opti­mi­sa­tion suc­cess gives you great ideas for over­com­ing the chal­lenges to matur­ing your program.

Still oth­ers want to learn how to deliv­er the cus­tomer an end-to-end, cross-chan­nel expe­ri­ence through inno­v­a­tive approach­es to opti­mi­sa­tion. PO2: Holis­tic expe­ri­ence opti­mi­sa­tion at William Hill shows what’s pos­si­ble with Adobe Tar­get and oth­er solu­tions and core ser­vices in Adobe Mar­ket­ing Cloud, high­light­ing how lead­ing bet­ting and gam­ing com­pa­ny William Hill taps into these offer­ings to deliv­er vis­i­tors and cus­tomers high­ly per­son­alised experiences.

Using Automa­tion and Algo­rithms for Deep­er Insights and a More Strate­gic Approach

Many dig­i­tal mar­keters want to take their opti­mi­sa­tion efforts to a new, high­er lev­el by apply­ing data sci­ence and using automa­tion and algo­rithms in their per­son­al­i­sa­tion and opti­mi­sa­tion work. PO4: Because you’ve got big­ger fish to fry than but­ton colour and PO6: Unleash your inner data sci­en­tist with Adobe Tar­get dis­cuss why automa­tion, algo­rithms and data sci­ence are the future of per­son­al­i­sa­tion and optimisation.

Sat­is­fy­ing the dig­i­tal demands of millennials—especially with mobile experiences

In almost all indus­tries, more vis­i­tors and cus­tomers are con­nect­ing with com­pa­nies via smart­phones. That’s par­tic­u­lar­ly true with the mil­len­ni­al gen­er­a­tion. The fea­tures unique to mobile devices open up com­plete­ly new, excit­ing oppor­tu­ni­ties for dig­i­tal mar­keters to deliv­er more rel­e­vant expe­ri­ences and offers. PO5: Mar­ket­ing to Europe’s mil­len­ni­als gives you data and insights about mil­len­ni­als, includ­ing why a mobile focus is impor­tant if you want to res­onate with them.

PO5: Mar­ket­ing to Europe’s millennials

Shar­ing cus­tomer expe­ri­ences and insights and networking

These last two ses­sions, PO1: Exchange ideas, get inspired: A per­son­al­i­sa­tion and opti­mi­sa­tion work­shop and PO7: Step right up and guess the test win­ner: WhichTestWon’s Adobe Tar­get Awards EMEA are iter­a­tions on two of our most pop­u­lar ses­sions from last year. If you want to get your ques­tions answered, meet oth­ers work­ing in per­son­al­i­sa­tion and opti­mi­sa­tion, or just see what oth­ers are doing with test­ing and opti­mi­sa­tion at their com­pa­ny, these are must-attend ses­sions. See this blog post for more details on the WhichT­est­Won com­pe­ti­tion* and how to enter—it’s not too late!

Don’t For­get the Hands-on Labs!

Be sure to look through the Hands-on Labs. There are a some labs focused Adobe Tar­get and oth­ers on Per­son­al­i­sa­tion & Opti­mi­sa­tion that you may want to sign up for, too!

Please let me know on Twit­ter @jamiebrighton what you think of the ses­sions and if you have any ques­tions, and to few the full set of ses­sions, please vis­it this page: http://summit.adobe.com/emea/sessions/at-a-glance/#personalisation-and-optimisation

I look for­ward to see­ing you at Adobe Sum­mit 2016 EMEA in Lon­don next month!

* Entries for com­pe­ti­tion close April 14, 2016. Enter the com­pe­ti­tion here.