Passport to Creativity: See Patagonia through the Lens of Andrew Ling

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We gave six talented young artists a Passport to Creativity, and sent them to three of the most remote, protected places on Earth. They captured the sights, sounds and impressions of their destinations. Along the way, they documented the impact of climate change and the struggle of conservation, and explored how creativity might help save the planet.

We can’t think of a better way to celebrate World Creativity and Innovation Week (April 15 – 21) and get ready for Earth Day (April 22), than to feature the work of these students – kicking off with amazing photographs by Andrew Ling. Andrew is a business student at the University of Washington by day, but outside of class, he’s passionate about photography. This spring he hiked the icebergs of Patagonia with our Passport to Creativity.

What was your first reaction when you arrived at your shoot in Patagonia?

Andrew: I don’t remember because I think I fainted. Kidding. I was in awe of how natural and well protected the environment was. We could literally taste the freshness of the air.

The Passport to Creativity participants were chosen for their unique style. How did you bring your signature style to this project?

Andrew: When I create photos, I try to make them somehow emotive. I really want the viewer to feel something.

What did you most want to communicate about Patagonia?

Andrew: I want to communicate most how important it is to protect and cherish these places. Before we know it, they’ll be gone. So cliché, but, “you don’t know what you have until it’s gone.”

What role do you think artists have to play in conservation?

Andrew: I think artists need to use their gifts to show people why climate change is such an important topic. Artists have the potential to make these places even more beautiful.

What responses have you gotten from friends, family, teachers, or even strangers who’ve seen your Passport to Creativity work so far?

Andrew: My family and friends have been very supportive of me as always, which means the world to me. My family has given me everything they have, so that I can be free to do what I love. I was also caught off guard by one of my professors. One day, I walked into class in a huge auditorium and found my work projected on the wall. She’s just been so awesome and I’m so grateful for that. Teachers like her are ones who leave positive impressions that last a lifetime.

One thing that is always touching to me is receiving feedback from strangers. It means so much that someone who I have never seen or even met before would take time out of their day to send a compliment my way. It warms my heart when people say they are inspired by others.

Will this experience impact your next creative project? Do you have any new ideas brewing that you can share with us?

Andrew: Definitely! I think I can honestly say this was a life changing experience for me. Being very close to graduating business school now, I had planned to go into a very business oriented job, such as finance/consulting. I now know I definitely want to be doing something more creative, and want to start my own creative agency one day hopefully.

I’d love to collaborate further on creative projects for a cause, whether it’s helping creative students to have their voices heard or to use amazing tools such as the Creative Cloud, or helping to raise more awareness for conservation and the environment!