RoboHelp (2015 release) – Update 3 released

I am pleased to announce the availability of third update to the RoboHelp (2015 release) along with updates to FrameMaker (2015 release) and the release of RoboHelp Server 10.

In this update, we have made some enhancements as well as addressed many issues, reported by our customers and partners. I would like to thank all those who have contributed in reporting these issues and helping us improve the product.

Host Responsive HTML5 content on Adobe RoboHelp Server 10

You can publish Responsive HTML5 output from RoboHelp (2015 release) Update 3 and host it directly on RoboHelp Server 10. Your content is rendered seamlessly on multitude of devices, including mobile devices. With the support for dynamic content filters in HTML5, your end users can easily access personalized content.

Check this document to see how it works.

We have fixed 12 bugs as well

In addition to these enhancements that I mentioned above, we have fixed 12 bugs:

  1. The ‘Application Stack Overflow’ error message does no longer appear while importing a .hlp file.
  2. RoboHelp no longer freezes on applying more than twenty Conditional Build tags to individual topic or books in the TOC.
  3. We fixed some cosmetic issue in the tooltip of the Character Formatting button.
  4. On relaunching the Help window, the dimensions set earlier are now retained.
  5. Extra .fpj files are no longer getting generated in the Preview folder of the published output.
  6. While generating Printed Documentation output, RoboHelp now respects the outdated attributes used in the CSS file.
  7. Context sensitive help for bookmarks now works in WebHelp output.
  8. You get detailed log information now in the log files for a failed Mobile App publish project.
  9. Multiple issues fixed in conjunction with RoboHelp Server: table of contents loads now on all levels, index and search load now properly in Chrome and Firefox, and topics linked to the index keyword have correct alphabetized order.
  10. The browse sequence links open up in new tab (with an error code) instead of the same tab.
  11. RoboHelp Server Web Admin page now opens properly in RoboHelp if Responsive HTML5 is set as the primary output.
  12. External Hyperlinks can now be opened in Mobile App output.

For a complete overview of all of enhancements and issues fixed in RoboHelp (2015 release), Update 1, Update 2 and Update 3, please refer to this page.

You can find the RoboHelp (2015 release) Update 3 Readme PDF here here.

How to get Update 3 for RoboHelp (2015 release)

The update is available through Adobe Update Manager (AUM): Please check for the updates in RoboHelp’s menu > File > Updates.

It will also be available for direct download from RoboHelp Support Center in a few days.

I hope that you will find many of these enhancements useful. It will be our endeavor to release these updates on a continuous basis to meet the needs of our customers. I do want to say thank you to all of those who submitted these ideas and bug reports. Keep your feedback coming!