Study: Consumers Spend 42% Of TV Time With OTT Services
Media companies now find themselves in a battle for attention, engagement, and audiences. To understand this competitive landscape better, Adobe worked with The Diffusion Group to survey video streamers off all ages. Here are a few of the key insights from this research.
Consumers’ video-streaming behavior has fundamentally changed the competitive landscape of the TV industry. Media companies now find themselves in a battle for attention, engagement, and audiences. To understand this competitive landscape better, we worked with The Diffusion Group to survey video streamers off all ages.
Here are a few of the key insights from this research.
Among adult video streamers:
● 42% of time spent in front of the television screen at home is spent with either subscription, transactional, or free streaming-video services.
● 65% of this OTT time on the home TV screen is spent watching subscription video-on-demand (SVOD), 30% is spent watching free streaming services (FVOD), and 5% is spent watching transactional streaming services (TVOD).
Weekly hours spent watching OTT on a household TV among all adult video streamers, by age:
In the subscription streaming-video category:
● 82% of adult video streamers subscribe to some type of online subscription video service.
● Netflix tops the list at 70% use among adult video streamers, followed by Amazon Prime at 33% and Hulu Plus at 21%.
Percent of adult video streamers using online subscription video:
In the free streaming video category:
● 88% of adult video streamers use free online video services.
● YouTube is by far the most popular free online video service. It is used by 83% of adult video streamers. It is followed by Hulu at 23% and Crackle at 19%.
Percent of adult video streamers using free streaming video:
In the transactional video category:
● 34% of adult video streamers use a transactional streaming video service.
● iTunes, Google Play, and Amazon Instant View are the top three transactional streaming video services.
Percent of adult video streamers using transactional streaming video:
In the TV Everywhere category:
● 17% of adult video streamers (who also subscribe to pay-TV) engage with their TV provider’s TV Everywhere app, while 12% engage with the TV Everywhere apps provided by TV networks. This is largely consistent with the most recent Adobe Digital Index Video Benchmark research.
Familiarity and usage by type of TV Everywhere streaming service:
These insights are just a small sampling of what’s available in the full report. It also covers consumers’ opinions on the impact of streaming-video services on traditional TV, commercials and commercial avoidance, value of service, reasons for preferring one service over another, effect of original programming on streaming, future intentions for traditional TV, and more.