Adobe Summit EMEA 2016 – Telco Challenges and Opportunities

The Adobe Sum­mit EMEA is set to be amaz­ing this year. Top lead­ers from the Tel­co sec­tor and beyond will share dig­i­tal insight for a first­hand look at how key brands are exe­cut­ing against chal­lenges with impres­sive results. With more than 100 ses­sions and 10 tracks, Sum­mit helps you push the bound­aries and learn from those who are dri­ving effec­tive change. The event takes place on May 11th and 12th at ICC ExCel, Lon­don. Here’s a taste of what you can expect from the Tel­co Track Super Ses­sion and why you shouldn’t miss the 2016 Adobe Sum­mit EMEA.

The Tel­co Track Super Ses­sion – Deliv­er­ing Against the Needs of Today’s Tel­co Customer

The Tel­co sec­tor is under­go­ing unprece­dent­ed change. From new tech­nolo­gies to chang­ing cus­tomer expec­ta­tions, chal­lenges are forc­ing the indus­try to rede­fine itself. Are you meet­ing increased demands as your cus­tomers look beyond core ser­vices? What tools are avail­able to help you on your jour­ney toward the future of telecommunications?

Hear what Tel­co indus­try lead­ers think – Ovum, O2, Voda­fone, Vir­gin Media, Sky, Turk­cell, Lib­er­ty Glob­al and Swiss­com share tips and strate­gies on how they’re work­ing to meet new chal­lenges while deliv­er­ing a per­son­al­ized experience.

Oth­er “Must-See” Sessions

With two full days of ses­sions and labs, Sum­mit puts you face to face with inspir­ing speak­ers, giv­ing you the oppor­tu­ni­ty to gain in-depth knowl­edge while net­work­ing with peers, indus­try lead­ers and Adobe staff and part­ners from across the world.

Expe­ri­ence Adobe Sum­mit EMEA 2016