Prepare for a Mobile Only World: Mobile Engagement Track at Adobe Summit EMEA 2016

For the last few years, we heard the man­date for “mobile first” strate­gies, but is that enough? We see coun­tries like Chi­na, India, and Brazil where “mobile only” is the dom­i­nant chan­nel for cus­tomer engage­ment. And, in the US and Europe, we know that Mil­len­ni­als use their smart­phone for the major­i­ty of dig­i­tal experiences.

At Adobe Sum­mit 2016, we will pro­vide ses­sions in the “Mobile Engage­ment” track to help you pre­pare your orga­ni­za­tion for this new world where mobile is the cen­ter­piece of your dig­i­tal strat­e­gy. Learn how Adobe Mar­ket­ing Cloud helps com­pa­nies to build and man­age beau­ti­ful and pro­duc­tive app expe­ri­ences, while com­bin­ing the abil­i­ty to acquire, under­stand, engage, and retain valu­able users. In addi­tion, Adobe will reveal new inno­va­tions and dig­i­tal insights to help you achieve suc­cess in a mobile only world.

To help you nav­i­gate the con­tent in the track, here are my rec­om­men­da­tions for ses­sions by topic.

Mobile Strat­e­gy

Hear about the lat­est think­ing for devel­op­ing and exe­cut­ing a suc­cess­ful mobile strat­e­gy. Fur­ther­more, learn about new inno­va­tions and insights from Adobe Mar­ket­ing Cloud to help you engage with mobile consumers.

Mobile App Engage­ment & Marketing

Lis­ten to case stud­ies from Adobe cus­tomers who are dri­ving suc­cess­ful mobile app engage­ment with Adobe Ana­lyt­ics, Adobe Tar­get, and Mar­ket­ing Cloud — Mobile core ser­vice. In addi­tion, receive tips & tricks from Adobe experts who will show you best prac­tices for acquir­ing, ana­lyz­ing, and engag­ing mobile users.

Build­ing and Man­ag­ing App Experiences

See how Adobe Expe­ri­ence Man­ag­er Mobile empow­ers line of busi­ness own­ers and mar­keters to build, man­age, and deliv­er beau­ti­ful, engag­ing mobile apps that have the pow­er to trans­form busi­ness­es. Learn about best prac­tices and tech­nolo­gies for mobile app expe­ri­ences that seam­less­ly inte­grate with Adobe Mar­ket­ing Cloud and con­nect to back-end sys­tems for enter­prise productivity.

Mobile Ana­lyt­ics

Learn the best prac­tices for mea­sur­ing apps such as choos­ing the right engage­ment met­rics, apply­ing cohort analy­sis to increase user reten­tion, and struc­tur­ing an ana­lyt­ics prac­tice to effec­tive­ly cap­ture the shift to mobile.

Hands On Labs

Learn from the tech­ni­cal experts at Adobe. Get your hands “dirty” with imple­men­ta­tion exer­cis­es for Mar­ket­ing Cloud technologies.

To reserve your seat in advance and avoid the stand­by queue, please reg­is­ter for these ses­sions in the Sum­mit catalog.

If you would like to learn more about mobile mar­ket­ing, please read my col­umn on and fol­low me on Twit­ter @RayPunSD.