Meet Our Summit Insiders

Adobe Sum­mit is an incred­i­ble oppor­tu­ni­ty for mar­ket­ing lead­ers from across Europe to come togeth­er to explore the lat­est tools and trends in Dig­i­tal Mar­ket­ing. Each year, we gath­er the industry’s top inno­va­tors, lumi­nar­ies, and sub­ject mat­ter experts to share their insights and expertise.

Adobe Sum­mit is a valu­able expe­ri­ence to not only those attend­ing in-per­son in Lon­don, but also to the entire dig­i­tal mar­ket­ing com­mu­ni­ty. In order to extend the Sum­mit expe­ri­ence and to pro­vide on-the-ground cov­er­age, we’ve invit­ed five indus­try thought lead­ers from across Europe to attend as Sum­mit Insiders.

The Sum­mit Insid­ers are an exclu­sive group of mar­ket­ing experts whom we’ve invit­ed to join us at Sum­mit to share their insights, obser­va­tions and expe­ri­ences via social & dig­i­tal channels.

There will be plen­ty of oppor­tu­ni­ties to join the #Adobe­Sum­mit con­ver­sa­tion along­side the Sum­mit Insid­ers, with a high­light being a dai­ly Twit­ter Chat in part­ner­ship with the Dig­i­tal & Social Media Lead­er­ship Forum, so stay tuned for more infor­ma­tion on how to get involved!

In the mean­time, it is my plea­sure to intro­duce our 2016 Sum­mit Insiders:

Fred­er­ic Cavazza

French speak­er and author Fred­er­ic Cavaz­za is a pro­lif­ic thought leader on dig­i­tal mar­ket­ing. He’s been in the web indus­try since near­ly 20 years, help­ing French and inter­na­tion­al brands sharp­en­ing their online strate­gies (AXA, Renault / Nis­san, L’Oréal, LVMH…). Dur­ing the last two decades he was involved in numer­ous projects and top­ics: from e‑commerce to vir­tu­al real­i­ty, from social media to mobile. He is par­tic­u­lar­ly focused on the fast mov­ing ground of adtech / martech and is at the front seat of the dig­i­tal trans­for­ma­tion rev­o­lu­tion, giv­ing speech­es in Europe, North Amer­i­ca and Africa.

He writes for var­i­ous blogs and pub­lished two books last year. He believes the marketer’s job is fun­da­men­tal­ly chang­ing as we dive into a ful­ly dig­i­tal and more data-dri­ven world. You can read from him here: (in french) and on Twit­ter: @fredcavazza.

Klaus Eck is CEO of Eck Con­sult­ing Group and keynote speak­er. In Novem­ber 2015, he found­ed the con­tent mar­ket­ing agency d.Tales. Klaus Eck has more than 18 years’ expe­ri­ence in advis­ing com­pa­nies on how to adapt their cor­po­rate, mar­ket­ing and com­mu­ni­ca­tion process­es to suit the dig­i­tal age. In 2004, he launched the PR-Blog­ger, a blog about trends in online com­mu­ni­ca­tions and mar­ket­ing. Fur­ther­more, he fre­quent­ly lec­tures at Elec­tron­ic Media School in Pots­dam (Con­tent Mar­ket­ing), at FH Joan­neum in Graz (Con­tent Strat­e­gy) and at Ham­burg Media School (Dig­i­tal Journalism).

Sam Hur­ley

Sam Hur­ley is a lat­er­al-think­ing dig­i­tal mar­keter hold­ing 6+ years’ expe­ri­ence, cur­rent­ly Head of Search Mar­ket­ing at Midas Media and Founder of OPTIM-EYEZ, help­ing busi­ness own­ers turn their web­site vis­i­tors into pay­ing cus­tomers. He has achieved suc­cess for both agency and client-side busi­ness­es from SME, nation­al to inter­na­tion­al blue-chip organ­i­sa­tions. Catch him on Twit­ter @Sam___Hurley for heaps of help­ful tweets on entre­pre­neur­ship and marketing.

Thomas Pow­er

Thomas Pow­er is a social media super­star and one of the most con­nect­ed peo­ple glob­al­ly. Boast­ing over 100,000 fol­low­ers Thomas can reach out to pret­ty much any­one over Twit­ter. He is very well net­worked in mar­ket­ing, social media, start­up and cor­po­rate com­mu­ni­ties with CEOs, Inno­va­tors and entre­pre­neurs. Thomas has worked with Bar­clays, Microsoft, Accen­ture and IBM to name a few.

Jay Shet­ty

Jay Shet­ty is one of the most suc­cess­ful video blog­gers with over 30 mil­lion views in 3 weeks when fea­tured in The Huffington Post. Jay is a Guardian Award Win­ning Social Media exec­u­tive coach who was recog­nised as the top social media influencer and author­i­ty in Accen­ture glob­al­ly. Jay has over 13,000 Twit­ter fol­low­ers and a glob­al reach of mil­lions. Jay stands in the top 1% of Social Media users in busi­ness glob­al­ly and is high­ly regard­ed for his exec­u­tive brand­ing series. Jay has pre­vi­ous­ly been invit­ed to be an insid­er for the Chief Dig­i­tal Offi­cer Sum­mit, and Accen­ture Digital.