Partner Day EMEA focuses on partner success

Adobe’s part­ner ecosys­tem is grow­ing by leaps and bounds. Our part­ners now num­ber more than 3,000 agen­cies, sys­tem inte­gra­tors, and tech­nol­o­gy part­ners world­wide! Many of our part­ners joined us this year at Part­ner Day at Adobe Sum­mit in Las Vegas, to hear from Adobe exec­u­tives and tech­nol­o­gy experts as well as net­work with oth­er part­ners in the Adobe ecosys­tem. Now, dur­ing Part­ner Day at Adobe Sum­mit EMEA, we’re excit­ed to meet with our Euro­pean part­ners and high­light their success.

EMEA Partner Day 2016

I’m look­ing for­ward to wel­com­ing more than 500 EMEA part­ners, at Adobe EMEA Part­ner Day 2016. This year’s ses­sion will take place at the Adobe Sum­mit EMEA venue, ICC ExCeL Lon­don, on Tues­day, 10 May. By hold­ing the event the day before Summit’s offi­cial open, we have the spe­cial oppor­tu­ni­ty to con­nect first-hand with part­ners to align on strat­e­gy and solu­tion high­lights before head­ing to Summit.

This year’s atten­dees can expect insights from top cus­tomers, part­ners and Adobe exec­u­tives, including:

Through­out the ses­sion, we will also rec­og­nize part­ners, hand out part­ner awards and net­work at a pre-Sum­mit mix­er Tues­day evening (10th May).

New breakout sessions

New to Part­ner Day this year are break­out ses­sions geared at our part­ners with vary­ing skill sets and busi­ness roles, to pro­vide dif­fer­ent skill a deep­er look at top­ics of spe­cial inter­est, includ­ing ses­sions craft­ed for:

Inter­est­ed? Check out the full agen­da here. Adobe Solu­tion Part­ners can still reg­is­ter for the event at the Part­ner Day reg­is­tra­tion site using the code PDSUMMIT10516. Since the event is exclu­sive­ly for Adobe Solu­tion Part­ners, please make sure your Solu­tion Part­ner Pro­gram mem­ber­ship is cur­rent — and if you are not a cur­rent part­ner, vis­it and click “Join Pro­gram” in the top right corner.

Hope to see you there!