Adobe Summit EMEA 2016: Becoming an Experience Business

Adobe Sum­mit EMEA, Europe’s largest dig­i­tal mar­ket­ing con­fer­ence kicked off today in Lon­don, attract­ing a record-break­ing 5,000+ atten­dees. It’s been a busy year for Adobe’s Dig­i­tal Mar­ket­ing Busi­ness, and we’re excit­ed to share the lat­est inno­va­tions across Adobe Mar­ket­ing Cloud, as well as focus on how today’s dig­i­tal rev­o­lu­tion is rais­ing cus­tomer expec­ta­tions and rein­vent­ing how prod­ucts and ser­vices are cre­at­ed, deliv­ered and marketed.

With that in mind, one thing is clear: For brands to thrive in today’s dig­i­tal busi­ness envi­ron­ment, they need to become an “Expe­ri­ence Busi­ness.” As the theme of EMEA Sum­mit, our keynotes and break­out ses­sions will dive into how com­pa­nies need to cre­ate a per­son­al­ized, com­pelling cus­tomer expe­ri­ence at every link of the rela­tion­ship, from web­sites and mobile apps to retail environments.

Sum­mit EMEA atten­dees will take advan­tage of 100+ ses­sions across 10 tracks focused on dif­fer­ent ways to deliv­er engag­ing and con­sis­tent expe­ri­ences to cus­tomers across dig­i­tal touch points. Event speak­ers include actor, pro­duc­er and activist Col­in Far­rell, inter­na­tion­al­ly renowned chef Hes­ton Blu­men­thal, BAF­TA-win­ning TV pre­sen­ter Davina McCall and exec­u­tives from major brands such as Roy­al Bank of Scot­land, Heathrow, Spo­ti­fy, Voda­fone, O2, Sky, Unilever and Aston Mar­tin Lagonda.

Key announce­ments around the Adobe Cloud Plat­form include:

We also released our annu­al Adobe Dig­i­tal Index EMEA Best of the Best Report, which ana­lyzes anony­mous and aggre­gat­ed Adobe Mar­ket­ing Cloud cus­tomer data, as well as sur­vey data, to dive into how aver­age and top com­pa­nies are per­form­ing across var­i­ous met­rics. Report find­ings show that only 40% of con­sumers think that com­pa­nies are doing a good job at pro­vid­ing con­sis­tent and per­son­al­ized expe­ri­ences across devices. Euro­peans now own an aver­age of 6.1 con­nect­ed devices, with 85% now fre­quent­ly switch­ing devices dur­ing tasks. This report high­lights the need for brands to embrace becom­ing an Expe­ri­ence Busi­ness in order to keep up with the evolv­ing needs of their customers.

Join EMEA Sum­mit Online

If you can’t join us in-per­son at EMEA Sum­mit, you can tune into our Day 1 Keynote livestream here. For the lat­est updates and announce­ments, check out our Europe Dig­i­tal Mar­ket­ing Blog, fol­low@AdobeSummit on Twit­ter and join the con­ver­sa­tions by track­ing #Adobe­Sum­mit.