Adobe Summit EMEA 2016 — Sneaks

Sneaks are always a pop­u­lar ses­sion at Adobe Sum­mit. If you’re not famil­iar with the Sneaks ses­sion, it’s where our data sci­en­tists take cen­ter stage and give us all a pre­view of what they’re cook­ing up in Adobe’s research labs. Although each Sneak demo is only about four min­utes long, it rep­re­sents work that has been months — or maybe even years — in the mak­ing. While we’ve got thou­sands of engi­neers at Adobe doing a lot of amaz­ing things, only a select few projects will ever become Sneaks. So you can see why it’s become a fan favorite at Summit.

Some of these exper­i­ments make it into prod­ucts, for exam­ple Smart­Pic that was shown at last year’s Sum­mit Sneaks is now in beta in Adobe Expe­ri­ence Man­ag­er 6.2 – but there’s no guar­an­tee. Whether or not these projects become prod­uct fea­tures, it’s fun to see these tech genius­es get the celebri­ty sta­tus they deserve for work­ing some mar­ket­ing magic.

Speak­ing of celebs, this year’s Sneaks was co-host­ed by Davina McCall, and our own Steve Ham­mond. They intro­duced five projects that ranged from a look at the future of the shop­ping expe­ri­ence, to tech that makes design­ing and build­ing apps faster than ever, to a sys­tem that helps mar­keters not over spam their cus­tomers – and they had some fun along the way.

Awe­some to have @ThisisDavina @AdobeSummit #Adobe­Sum­mit

— Jay Shet­ty (@jshetty1) May 12, 2016

Unlike our Day 1 keynotes that we live stream, Sneaks is a ses­sion exclu­sive to those on the ground. Here’s a wrap up of our favorites from our Sum­mit 2016:


Fus­ing the dig­i­tal and phys­i­cal world, this sneak show­cased a retail store shop­ping kiosk that scanned the presenter’s body and sug­gest­ed cloth­ing with just the right fit and style.

adaptive store


Even though Adobe Expe­ri­ence Design CC (Preview) just launched, our teams are dream­ing up ways to make it more use­ful. This demo con­nects design­ers and mar­keters to cre­ate and deliv­er amaz­ing mobile apps fast across the Cre­ative Cloud and Adobe Mar­ket­ing Cloud.



There was some big data wiz­ardry on dis­play dur­ing this sneak. It helps mar­keters accu­rate­ly and con­sis­tent­ly under­stand how every offer is per­form­ing across medi­ums such as email, dis­play and mobile apps. Data algo­rithms also high­light trends in the data that mar­keters need to act on.



Admit it… you’ve hit the email unsub­scribe but­ton a time or two when you’ve got­ten tired of receiv­ing offers from a com­pa­ny – and some­times you just start trash­ing or mark­ing them as spam. This demo show­cas­es how data sci­ence is help­ing mar­keters know when their cus­tomers are reach­ing their lim­it so they can dial back their emails and keep the rela­tion­ship going.



What if you could tar­get, not only from demo­graph­ics & actions, but also seg­ment through per­son­al­i­ty types — and real­ly dri­ve a per­son­alised cus­tomer expe­ri­ence! This demo shows how you can pre­dict per­son­al­i­ty by eval­u­at­ing individual’s social feeds, per­son­al­is­ing con­tent to res­onate with the indi­vid­ual. Is this a glimpse to the future of behav­ioral targeting?
