Decoding Modern Marketing: How To Connect With Consumers

What’s amazing about marketing today is that if you construct your brand correctly, all you have to do is light the fuse for it to take off. That’s because consumers will do most of the work for you–if you let them.

Decoding Modern Marketing: How To Connect With Consumers

What’s amazing about marketing today is that if you construct your brand correctly, all you have to do is light the fuse for it to take off. That’s because consumers will do most of the work for you–if you let them.

And they want to.

They want to research, evaluate, review, and share their opinions about your brand. They want to help you help them and then spread their joy to all of their friends, hungry for that next post. The trick is to build your brand system from the bottom up so that when you take it out to the world, it becomes a perpetual motion machine, using content and search to attract, leveraging customer happiness, converting customers, building loyalty, and starting all over again.
Even though many of the elements of this marketing system I’m describing are new, such as the technologies that automate the nurturing process, many of them are familiar, especially as you reach out to create awareness for the first time. All the brand marketing and activation techniques that surround us, from digital to traditional channels, play a part in introducing a brand to its market. The difference today is the role that paid media plays. Whereas in predigital days advertising had to carry the brand and value proposition burden, now it just has to present a compelling brand. Digital channels, constructed the right way, take care of the rest.

That means brands don’t have to invest as much in one-time ads and can rely on their digital ecosystems to do most of the work. Paid advertising is still important and essential before a brand builds a large customer base. But as a brand builds momentum with its constituency, it can reduce paid media, replacing it with even more powerful social currency.

As a result, it is more important than ever for brands to invest intelligently in the infrastructure that enables the system to work. I’m talking strategy, branding, content, technology, data integration, and analytics. Creativity that cuts through the clutter and gets to that all-important initial awareness is also a must.

That is what this chapter of “Decoding Modern Marketing” is all about. Building on the strategic work you need to do, which I outlined in Chapter 1, and the construction of a modern brand, which I covered in Chapter 2, you are now ready to introduce your brand to the world. This chapter covers everything from brand campaigns to activation, programmatic media, and creative.

Of course, that’s not the end of the story, as you’ll see in the next couple of months.

Click here to read Chapter 3.