Adobe EMEA Summit 2016: Coverage has joined thousands of marketers from across Europe for Adobe EMEA Summit 2016, in London. Our coverage began with pre-Summit speaker interviews and will continue throughout the event, which is exploring the key theme of experience.

Adobe EMEA Summit 2016: Coverage is joining thousands of marketers from across Europe this week for Adobe EMEA Summit 2016, in London. Over two days, the event will explore the key theme of experience, alongside discussions on the latest trends and tools in digital marketing.

Our coverage began with pre-Summit speaker interviews and continues throughout the event. Check back here for the latest news. You can also watch Summit keynotes live each day here.

Read on for our live coverage…

ADI ‘Best Of The Best’ Shows Brands Need To Work On The Mobile Experience

Marketers need to bring smartphone browsing to parity with desktop—that is the conclusion from the Adobe Digital Index report.

Adobe Summit EMEA: Virtual Reality Will Take Customer Expectations To The Next Level

The technology is getting more mainstream, and soon customers will expect to see before they book, and not just photos, warns Kate Ancketill, GDR Creative Intelligence founder.

Adobe Summit EMEA: Words Truly Matter, So Learn Some And Make Some Up

TV presenter and wordsmith Susie Dent believes marketers could be far more effective if only they expanded their vocabularies—so they would always have the right word for a campaign.

Adobe Summit EMEA: ‘Mobile Is The Canary In Your Digital Mineshaft’

Brands will be increasingly judged by how they serve seamless mobile experiences to consumers, advise Adobe Index and eConsultancy.

Adobe Summit EMEA: Digital Deployment Demands Communications Investment

“The communications cost is huge,” but Renault-Nissan is reaping rewards from its Helios project, which spans more than 350 websites and 170 markets.

Adobe Summit EMEA: Failure Is A Key Ingredient, Says Blumenthal

“In your creative world you need to celebrate failure. You don’t learn without,” said celebrity chef Heston Blumenthal at the Adobe Summit EMEA today.

Spotify Deepens Emotional Connection Through Storytelling

If you are getting into storytelling, Spotify’s top tips are to make it meaningful, personal, and unique to your brand.

Adobe Summit EMEA: Retailers And Brands Embrace The Customer Experience Challenges

To satisfy consumers, their experience needs to be compelling, consistent, and convenient. Brands are adapting their digital strategy accordingly.

Adobe Summit EMEA: Embrace Your Industry’s ‘Uber’ Moment

Actively seeking startup partnership gives corporates an entrepreneurial spirit that will allow them to stay relevant, says Jeremy Basset, head of Unilever Foundry.

Adobe Summit EMEA: It’s Time To Choose The Right Startup

Corporates should be working with the startups disrupting their industries to get good value on innovation, advises Narry Singh, head of digital strategy at Accenture.

Adobe Summit EMEA: Evolution Key To Keep Up With Pace of Retail Change

Retailers need to constantly evolve and be nimble if they are to keep pace with the changing landscape of consumer expectations to deliver on experience.

Adobe Summit EMEA: Connected Products Will Bring Brands Closer To Consumers

The true promise of IoT is connected devices communicating directly with customers, says Cameron Hulett, chief commercial officer at Evrythng.

Adobe Summit EMEA: Marketers Are In The Experience Business

“Digital marketing is all about people, and we’re here to give them great experiences,” said Brad Rencher, executive vice-president & general manager digital at Adobe, opening the first day of the Adobe Summit EMEA.

Jack Smith Goes For The New Global Customer-Centric Look

Fashion retailer New Look details the role of digital in its global growth plans.

ADI: A Seamless Cross-Device Experience Is Not On The Menu Yet

Cross-device experiences are what European consumers are looking for, according to the latest report from Adobe Digital Index (ADI), released today at Adobe Summit EMEA.

Pre-Summit interviews:

Virgin Media’s Bradshaw Drives And Defines The Role Of Digital

“Digital is a whole new way of thinking,” says Rhona Bradshaw, director of digital at Virgin Media.

Quick Chat: Kate Ancketill, CEO, GDR Creative Intelligence

We are in the throes of the Fourth Industrial Revolution—the fusion of physical, digital, and biological technologies. The implications for business and marketing are enormous.

The Internet Of Things: How To Use Its Potential

Is the Internet of Things (IoT) about to make a lot more sense for marketers?

How Can ‘Good Jargon’ Be Good For Business

The way you communicate has never been more important. If you are proficient with words, you will have an edge.

‘Always On’: C3’s Kircher Embraces The New Approach

Content marketing is on the verge of becoming a truly disruptive force for both agencies and clients alike.

E-Retailer Invites Consumers On A Digital Shopping Spree

Delivering high-impact campaigns at speed it top of mind for the South African etailer.

See what the Twitterverse is saying about Adobe Summit: