Critical Mass CMO On ‘Being Great Every Day’

Marketers’ work should speak for itself, said Amanda Levy, CMO of Critical Mass, an Omnicom-owned digital design agency.

Critical Mass CMO On ‘Being Great Every Day’

What is the oldest form of marketing in the world? If you said, “Word of mouth,” then you’re in good company.

“Over half of our leads come in through relationships, whether it’s clients we’ve known, or people that have interacted with us, or a fellow agency that has recommended us,” said Amanda Levy, CMO of Critical Mass, a digital design agency under the umbrella of world-famous Omnicom Group, which represents multiple Fortune 100 companies. “Mind you, they might reach us through a social channel or the website, but when we trace back where that came from, it’s typically coming from a relationship.”

Levy’s belief about great marketing is that the work should speak for itself; her team lives by her mantra of “do your job well every day.” Beyond that, Levy said, ensuring that Critical Mass is a right fit for its clients is a big part of her role–as well as the key to building great relationships.

“If they spend time with you, and you add value, they will want to spend more time with you,” she told me.

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