Three Key Ingredients to Becoming an Experience Business

Sev­er­al years ago, my fam­i­ly (me, my wife and some young chil­dren) were plan­ning an evening out, which was to include din­ner at a restau­rant that every­one could agree on. My wife and I were keen to choose a des­ti­na­tion that was well known for some pop­u­lar menu items we had eat­en before. My kids had anoth­er plan entire­ly. They had recent­ly heard about a Mex­i­can restau­rant – set in a jun­gle theme – where you could actu­al­ly watch divers plunge down a three-sto­ry water­fall into a small pool right in the mid­dle of the restau­rant. Sure, they would eat some food, but they were more inter­est­ed in the experience.

There is a grow­ing trend of cus­tomers expect­ing more than just prod­ucts & ser­vices. They want an expe­ri­ence that sur­pris­es, delights, and sim­pli­fies their lives. Para­dox­i­cal­ly, the art of sim­pli­fi­ca­tion for your cus­tomers can be a very com­plex under­tak­ing if you don’t include the fol­low­ing three impor­tant ingre­di­ents: Prop­er invest­ment, orga­ni­za­tion­al align­ment, com­mit­ment to execution.

Lib­er­ty Glob­al is a great exam­ple of using these three ingre­di­ents to become a more expe­ri­ence-focused busi­ness. Lib­er­ty Glob­al start­ed with an enter­prise strat­e­gy that includ­ed an invest­ment in the Adobe Mar­ket­ing Cloud. This equipped them with an inte­grat­ed solu­tion to iden­ti­fy, under­stand, and engage their cus­tomers so they could deliv­er con­sis­tent, con­tin­u­ous expe­ri­ences that matter.

The Adobe Mar­ket­ing Cloud is a smart invest­ment, but it’s only one of the three key ingre­di­ents. Lib­er­ty Glob­al also worked hard at the cor­po­rate lev­el to define orga­ni­za­tion stan­dards and process­es that could rea­son­ably be adopt­ed glob­al­ly across their brands.

The real pay­off hap­pened for Lib­er­ty Glob­al with the third ingre­di­ent – when they start­ed to roll out and exe­cute their dig­i­tal strat­e­gy across their brands. Vir­gin Media UK is a shin­ing exam­ple of how well these three ingre­di­ents are pay­ing off. And they have the suc­cess met­rics to prove it.

Mor­gan Evans – VP of Cus­tomer Expe­ri­ence & Ana­lyt­ics for Lib­er­ty Glob­al and Rhona Brad­shaw – Direc­tor of Dig­i­tal for Vir­gin Media UK recent­ly shared their suc­cess sto­ry at Adobe EMEA Sum­mit in London.

From their pre­sen­ta­tion, you will learn how Lib­er­ty Global’s Vir­gin Media brand is re-engi­neer­ing its orga­ni­za­tion and lever­ag­ing the full pow­er of Adobe Mar­ket­ing Cloud to delight cus­tomers, achieve busi­ness goals, and maybe even make the world a bet­ter place.

You’ll also learn tips on how you can do the same for your own orga­ni­za­tion. How do you lever­age tech­nol­o­gy to cre­ate the per­fect cus­tomer expe­ri­ence? Which tech­nol­o­gy on what plat­form? And maybe most impor­tant­ly, how do you re-engi­neer your orga­ni­za­tion to become an expe­ri­ence led business?