Be part of the Adobe Creative Jam of Dan Mumford and Musketon at BUMP Festival!
On Friday the 24th of June BUMP Festival will take place in Kortrijk, Belgium. More than 800 multimedia developers, designers, entrepreneurs, multimedia students and educators will gather at BUMP to share knowledge, get inspired and network.
Adobe Principal Manager of Creative Cloud Evangelism Rufus Deuchler will be hosting at least six Creative Jams at BUMP. Several young creatives will challenge each other in these unique creative experiences. Highlight will be the Creative Jam between young superstars Dan Mumford (UK) and Musketon (BE) which you can follow live on Twitch, this Friday from 2 to 3 pm CET. Let’s introduce them.
In the red corner we find Dan Mumford. Dan is a freelance illustrator based in London. He works mainly within the pop-culture scene and his work is being used for movies, videogames and packaging. Dan gets his inspiration from movies, comics and soundtracks.
In the blue corner stands Musketon, a Belgian artist with a very specific style that’s easy to recognize. He worked for brands such as Mazda, Coca-Cola and Nike. Traveling is his main source of inspiration. New horizons and meeting different people and cultures helps him to get out of his comfort zone.
Both Dan and Musketon are very much looking forward to BUMP and battleing each other during their Creative Jam. “These kind of events are very important for your personal growth as an artist. It’s always very inspiring to meet new people that you wouldn’t meet otherwise”, says Dan.
The best news is that you can witness the Jam live during a Twitch session. Musketon is very excited about the livestream via Twitch: “The creative scene in Belgium is a more covert like scene than for instance in the US. That’s a sad thing because you can do more if you open up and combine all creative powers. That’s why I’m a big fan of the Creative Jams. I’m going to learn a lot from Dan’s way of working and he will learn from me because our styles are very different. Besides, people nowadays don’t only want to see your work, but they want to know how it’s made and that’s what Twitch is all about.”
Dan and Musketon won’t tell us yet exactly what it is they will be doing during their Creative Jam but it will certainly cause fireworks! Curious? Tune into Twitch on Friday June 24th at 2 pm and watch it live!
And on top of that, you can also follow the Creative Jam of the Belgian design agency Little Miss Robot at 12 pm via Facebook Live.
And for the other participants, Dan, Musketon and Rufus share one final tip: “Stay calm and go for it. And most importantly, don’t forget to have fun!”
Feel like joining yourself? Register at: