Measuring and Optimizing for Wearables: Take Your App to the Next Level

Wearables have come a long way since Dick Tracy’s two-way wrist radio or Maxwell Smart’s shoe phone. Such connected devices were once little more than fodder for comic strips and sitcoms; now they make up a serious line of mobile technology that requires serious measuring and optimization to enhance the way consumers interact with wearable tech.

By far, the most popular wearable is the smartwatch. Everything about smartwatches is changing the way brands approach mobile marketing. From their short interaction times — or micro-moments — to their simplistic navigation, wearables like the smartwatch are forcing app developers to think outside the box in an effort to enhance the customer experience.

Wearables also possess precious little real estate in terms of screen size, so if your app doesn’t resonate with customers, they are going to make room for something else. Let’s focus on how your brand can measure and optimize the customer experience across wearable devices by looking at one of the most popular wearables on the market: The Apple Watch.

Points of Visibility and Interaction for Your App
Before you can connect with your customers via a wearable app, you first must understand the different ways customers are going to see and interact with your app. While our example focuses on the Apple Watch interface, the following use case speaks to a process that would be applicable on other wearable devices as well.

Apple Watch: Analytic Tips
How can analytics help to improve the user experience across your wearables app?

Apple Watch: Testing and Optimization Tips
Adobe Target and Target Recommendations can help brands test and optimize experiences across wearables to suggest content that will motivate your customers to respond.

Interested in learning how to analyze, test, and optimize your brand’s app for over-the-top (OTT) devices? Then be sure to check out my previous post.