Mobile should be the driver for Cross Channel Marketing
Marketers need to address a multitude of different marketing channels and the mobile aspect should really be the driver for a Cross Channel marketing strategy, where the goal is to give consumers a consistent and relevant experience across all devices and media. Unfortunately, only less than one out of ten companies have Mobile as their top priority.
We’ve all been hearing it for years. Mobile is the new black. Terms like Mobile first and Mobile Only have become standard buzz words in digital marketing conversations over the years and no one can deny the importance of focusing on mobile as the arguably most important marketing channel today.
So you would think that today, almost a decade after “The Year Of the Mobile” (year 2007), all marketers would have Mobile as a top priority within their organisation. Yet according to our Digital Trends Report for 2016, the numbers show that only 9% of companies have Mobile as the top priority in their organisation. And only about half of the respondents have it as a top three priority. This number should be much higher.
Furthermore, the focus on mobile, in terms of understanding mobile users’ buyer behaviour and use of different devices, seem to be declining slightly compared to last year.
The reasons for this can be many. Perhaps mobile is becoming business as usual and therefore companies no longer separate it out from their general digital marketing strategy. There are also vast differences in who owns the mobile strategy from company to company and therefore the priority on mobile could live elsewhere than the marketing department. Where does it really belong? IT? Marketing? Operations?
Collaborate between multiple different departments
The truth is that regardless of where the ownership is in the organisation, the mobile strategy needs to be a collaboration between multiple different departments.
Business units outside of marketing need to be involved and be part of the decision making process around the marketing strategy, including mobile. There need to be a consistency between design, functionality, data collection & management, deployment and execution of a digital cross channel strategy.
Mobile first or mobile only needs to be the driver for cross channel marketing. Companies need to treat mobile as their absolute most important channel for digital marketing and let all other channel activities come from that. Three things to focus on:
- Understand the customers research and buyer behaviour
- Know when they change between devices and channels
- Create and offer the right and relevant content at the right time through the right channel
Once you understand how customers research and buy products and services via mobile channels and recognise where in the process they switch between different devices and channels, you will be able to give them the consistent cross channel experience that will help drive growth and customer loyalty for your company.