Personalising Your Cross-channel Marketing
Many organisations are realising that Cross-channel marketing (CCM) is becoming the holy grail of marketing. So many know its potential value, yet so few have experienced success. One of the current challenges to effective cross channel marketing has to do with personalisation. Personalisation is the quest of the moment for so many marketers, with 70% of executives interviewed by Forrester saying it is now of strategic importance to their business.
But personalising customer experiences remains elusive.
When it comes to multiple channels, customers are surfers. They often jump from one channel to the next, providing marketers with countless opportunities to create delightful, personalised interactions with their brands. Getting it right requires the right message to the right audience on every channel. In fact the channel should be irrelevant.
Personalisation Has Gone Mainstream
Personalised campaigns have gone from cutting edge to mainstream. Brands now know they need to provide consumers with an effortless, consistent and relevant experience across all touch points, not just within each channel. If marketers do not take this approach, they risk irrelevancy.
We know one-to-one personalisation works. Using marketing data to adapt digital content to consumers’ wants and needs not only lowers cost-per-acquisition (CPA), but also increases ROI for marketing campaigns. Adobe customers switching from generic messages to personalised communications saw a 50 to 150 percent increase in revenue per message; this was true for email, web, and even direct mail.
Today’s consumer is digitally empowered, so personalisation is critical to every touch point. In a matter of seconds, people can research your brand or product and your competitors to make well-informed decisions about purchases and where to put their loyalty. Unfortunately, 96 percent of consumers receive irrelevant ads or promotions, so personalisation is lost. Worse yet, 94 percent state they would go so far as discontinue their relationship with a brand because of this.
Time to Shake Things Up
Traditional media marketers who have focused on TV, radio, video, outdoor signage, etc. have limited themselves to non-personalised advertising. One-to-one marketing has traditionally been the exclusive purview of direct marketing channels, such as direct mail and point-of-sale, and latterly email, web, mobile SMS/push notifications and apps, and social media. In the future, new and emerging channels like Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality and Internet of Things will enter the fray.
So the time has come to shake things up a bit. Consumers have grown weary of mass media advertising, therefore, media marketers must finally adopt personalisation best practices with much of the granularity that digital marketers have practiced for years. Through data aggregation and distribution technology, companies have more data about their target markets than ever before, and with that comes the ability to customize content to include specific language, images, videos, and more to each individual consumer.
**Take the Right Approach to Personalised Cross Channel Marketing
As a brand, you are no more than the sum of the experiences your customers enjoy or endure. It’s not about what your brand may say it is; it’s what your customers experience and what they say it is. Marketers who connect with individual consumers and truly deliver value across channels and devices will grow customer relationships both emotionally and financially. This, in turn, will create the positive impression you need to build customer loyalty.
Unfortunately, marketers often lack a centralised place to create, manage, and orchestrate customer experiences, prohibiting complete cross-channel success. Data from critical channels like display aren’t yet integrated, making it difficult to target the right customer with the right message at the right moment. Failure to bring data together has massive operational consequences, many stemming from the obvious fact that internal team divisions will create inconsistent messaging, so campaigns are bound to be executed and measured in isolation from each other.
However, through robust customer experience management tools that provide as clear a view of your consumers as possible, coupled with a solid value exchange, marketers can offer personalisation without overstepping boundaries that customers may perceive as “creepy.” Digital natives tend to be open to personalised marketing because they’ve emailed, texted, posted on social media, revealing who they are and what they like and dislike, and they know that online activity can be tracked. But some people are less receptive to personalised messages. It’s therefore critical to get targeting right, hitting the right consumer with the right message no matter what device or channel they are using.