Argos delivers the same great experience across channels

As the UK’s largest retail­er, Argos offers more than 33,000 prod­ucts to 130 mil­lion cus­tomers a year through a net­work of 740 stores, online and mobile chan­nels, phone orders, and Argos TV. Across every touchpoint—from talk­ing to retail asso­ciates in stores to online ordering—the com­pa­ny works to per­son­al­ize each inter­ac­tion and offer white-glove ser­vice as cus­tomers gain access to the exact prod­uct details they need.

Using Adobe Mar­ket­ing Cloud, includ­ing Adobe Expe­ri­ence Man­ag­er, Adobe Ana­lyt­ics, and Adobe Tar­get, Argos is elim­i­nat­ing bar­ri­ers between cus­tomers and the prod­ucts they want. “When I talk to our cus­tomers, they don’t talk to me about chan­nels, apps, web­sites, or expe­ri­ences,” says Mark Steel, Dig­i­tal Oper­a­tions Direc­tor at Argos. “They talk about shopping.”

With the help of Adobe solu­tions, the inno­v­a­tive retail­er is stay­ing focused on what’s impor­tant to customers—shopping. Real-time data and sim­pli­fied asset man­age­ment helps Argos see what cus­tomers want and respond quick­ly. At the same time, per­son­al­iza­tion capa­bil­i­ties pro­vide rel­e­vant rec­om­men­da­tions to cus­tomers that keep them sat­is­fied and shop­ping, open­ing the door to new sales.