William Reed drives cross-channel success

Busi­ness-to-busi­ness pub­lish­er William Reed tar­gets its mar­ket­ing cam­paigns more effec­tive­ly by cen­tral­iz­ing mar­ket­ing data across the com­pa­ny and seg­ment­ing cus­tomers more effec­tive­ly with Adobe Cam­paign in Adobe Mar­ket­ing Cloud.

The com­pa­ny shares impor­tant busi­ness infor­ma­tion, research, and orig­i­nal edi­to­r­i­al con­tent through its spe­cial­ized pub­li­ca­tions. Although William Reed orig­i­nal­ly imple­ment­ed Cam­paign to help man­age its mar­ket­ing data­base, its dig­i­tal mar­ket­ing team quick­ly began using it Cam­paign to man­age tar­get­ed email campaigns.

“By con­sol­i­dat­ing our data onto Adobe Cam­paign, we can get a bet­ter pic­ture of our audi­ences and tar­get them with email cam­paigns for news, events, or deals that inter­est them,” says Vin­cent Renaud, Dig­i­tal Mar­ket­ing and Data Man­ag­er at William Reed. “We’ve reviewed oth­er cam­paign man­age­ment solu­tions, but no oth­er solu­tion offers the unique com­bi­na­tion of pow­er­ful work­flow capa­bil­i­ties and mul­ti­chan­nel deliv­ery like Adobe Campaign.”

Advanced work­flow capa­bil­i­ties in Cam­paign help William Reed auto­mate email cam­paign deliv­ery so mar­keters can spend more time refin­ing mes­sag­ing and ana­lyz­ing results. The com­pa­ny cur­rent­ly sends 20 mil­lion emails a month to about 500,000 cus­tomers. Once it migrates all of its brands onto Adobe Cam­paign, the audi­ence list will expand to 3 mil­lion names.

Using built-in seg­men­ta­tion and ana­lyt­ics capa­bil­i­ties, William Reed dig­i­tal mar­keters opti­mize email cam­paigns by automat­ing how they com­bine mes­sag­ing and offers to res­onate with spe­cif­ic audi­ences. Sim­i­lar­ly, sales teams use the report­ing and seg­men­ta­tion capa­bil­i­ties to guide their con­ver­sa­tions with cur­rent and prospec­tive adver­tis­ers. Fol­low­ing its suc­cess with email cam­paigns, William Reed plans to expand Adobe Cam­paign seg­men­ta­tion to oth­er chan­nels, such as text mes­sag­ing, push noti­fi­ca­tions in mobile apps, and print campaigns.

You can read the William Reed case study here: William Reed Case Study