Consumers Tell Retailers: Get With The Times!
Consumers are dissatisfied with many facets of the shopping experience, according to an annual report produced by RIS in partnership with Tata Consultancy Services.
Consumers are dissatisfied with many facets of the shopping experience. They want retailers to think mobile-first, speed up the digital transformation of stores, stay current with innovations from other industries, and streamline the interplay between online, mobile, and store channels within single brands.
These are among the insights uncovered and explored in the annual “Shopper Insight 360 Study,” produced by RIS in partnership with Tata Consultancy Services. Researchers polled 5,000 shoppers to find out their preferences, likes and dislikes, and expectations for engaging in a satisfying shopping experience. What emerged is a roadmap for reinventing old retail business methods that were designed for a different time.
Click here to read the report (short registration required).
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